Thanks for your response.

In latest cuttlefish it is also fixed I think?

We have two problems with scrubbing:
- memory leaks
- slow requests and wrongly mark osd with bucket index down (when scrubbing)

Now we decided to turn off scrubbing and trigger it on maintenance window.
I noticed that "ceph osd scrub", or "ceph osd deep-scrub" trigger scrub on osd 
but not for all PG.
It is possible to trigger scrubbing all PG on one osd?


-----Original Message-----
From: Sage Weil [] 
Sent: Saturday, August 17, 2013 5:11 PM
To: Mostowiec Dominik
Cc:;; StudziƄski 
Krzysztof; Sydor Bohdan
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] large memory leak on scrubbing

Hi Dominic,

There is a bug fixed a couple of months back that fixes excessive memory 
consumption during scrub.  You can upgrade to the latest 'bobtail' branch.  

Installing that package should clear this up.


On Fri, 16 Aug 2013, Mostowiec Dominik wrote:

> Hi,
> We noticed some issues on CEPH/S3 cluster, I think it related with scrubbing: 
> large memory leaks.
> Logs 09.xx: 
> >From 09.30 to 09.44 (14 minutes) osd.4 proces grows up to 28G. 
> I think this is something curious:
> 2013-08-16 09:43:48.801331 7f6570d2e700  0 log [WRN] : slow request 
> 32.794125 seconds old, received at 2013-08-16 09:43:16.007104: 
> osd_sub_op(unknown.0.0:0 16.113d 0//0//-1 [scrub-reserve] v 0'0 
> snapset=0=[]:[] snapc=0=[]) v7 currently no flag points reached
> We have large rgw index and a lot of large files than on this cluster.
> ceph version 0.56.6 (95a0bda7f007a33b0dc7adf4b330778fa1e5d70c)
> Setup: 
> - 12 servers x 12 OSD
> - 3 mons
> Default scrubbing settings.
> Journal and filestore settings:
>         journal aio = true
>         filestore flush min = 0
>         filestore flusher = false
>         filestore fiemap = false
>         filestore op threads = 4
>         filestore queue max ops = 4096
>         filestore queue max bytes = 10485760
>         filestore queue committing max bytes = 10485760
>         journal max write bytes = 10485760
>         journal queue max bytes = 10485760
>         ms dispatch throttle bytes = 10485760
>         objecter infilght op bytes = 10485760
> Is this a known bug in this version?
> (Do you know some workaround to fix this?)
> ---
> Regards
> Dominik
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