Hi all, since ceph-deploy/ceph-create-keys is broken (see bug 4924) and mkcephfs is deprecated
is there a howto for deploying the system without using neither of this tools? (especially not ceph-create-keys since that won't stop running without doing anything ;-) Since I have only 5 instances I like to set up I could do a manually configuration an import that into my cfengine management, so wouldn't need to rely on ceph-deploy TIA Bernhard -- Bernhard Glomm IT Administration Phone: +49 (30) 86880 134 Fax: +49 (30) 86880 100 Skype: bernhard.glomm.ecologic Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH | Pfalzburger Str. 43/44 | 10717 Berlin | Germany GF: R. Andreas Kraemer | AG: Charlottenburg HRB 57947 | USt/VAT-IdNr.: DE811963464 Ecologic™ is a Trade Mark (TM) of Ecologic Institut gemeinnützige GmbH
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