On Fri, 2 Aug 2013, Kevin Weiler wrote:
> I'm having some trouble bootstrapping my monitors using this page as a
> guide:
> http://ceph.com/docs/next/dev/mon-bootstrap/
> I can't seem to authenticate to my monitors with client.admin after I've
> created them and started them:

You also need

> [root@camelot ~]# cat /etc/ceph/ceph.keyring
> [mon.]
>       key = AQD6yftRkKY3NxAA5VNbtUM23C3uPqUUXYSHeQ==
        caps mon = allow *

> [client.admin]
>       key = AQANyvtRYDHCCxAAwgcgdMJ9ue64m6+enYONOw==
        caps mon = allow *

so that the mon knows these users are allowed to do everything.


> [root@camelot ~]# monmaptool --create --add camelot monmap
> monmaptool: monmap file monmap
> monmaptool: generated fsid 87a5f355-f7be-43aa-b26c-b6ad23f371bb
> monmaptool: writing epoch 0 to monmap (1 monitors)
> [root@camelot ~]# ceph-mon --mkfs -i camelot --monmap monmap --keyring /etc/
> ceph/ceph.keyring
> ceph-mon: created monfs at /srv/mon.camelot for mon.camelot
> [root@camelot ~]# service ceph start
> === mon.camelot ===
> Starting Ceph mon.camelot on camelot...
> === mds.camelot ===
> Starting Ceph mds.camelot on camelot...
> starting mds.camelot at :/0
> [root@camelot ~]# ceph auth get mon.
> access denied
> If someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong it would be greatly
> appreciated. Thanks!
> -- 
> Kevin Weiler
> IT
> IMC Financial Markets | 233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 4300 | Chicago, IL 60606
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> E-Mail: kevin.wei...@imc-chicago.com
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