
Actually I am not sure if the upgrade (I am using Ubuntu 12.04) actually will 
restart the daemon as a result of that I tried rebooting one of them first.

However, in a previous situation I had (while all of them were still running 
the older 0.61.4). Rebooting the same MON, did not restore the quorum also, so 
I am not sure what may cause this but I supposed it maybe some other reasons.

Anyway I had tried your advice and reboot all the MONs again and the quorum 
seemed to be back up again. Thanks.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jens Kristian Søgaard [mailto:j...@mermaidconsulting.dk] 
Sent: Wednesday, 31 July, 2013 6:37 PM
To: Luke Jing Yuan
Cc: ceph-de...@vger.kernel.org; ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Problem with MON after reboot


> This happened to me twice actually. Once before I upgraded, using
> 0.61.4 (I solved it by removing the MON and then recreating it) and 
> this time after upgrading all nodes to 0.61.7. The surprising thing to 
> me is that the node is also running OSD as well but after the upgrade 
> and reboot, the cluster is able to pick the OSD portion up but not the 
> MON.

So you say you've upgraded all nodes to 0.61.7 and then restarted one, and this 

Have you restarted the other mons after you upgraded to 0.61.7, or are they 
still running an older version?

It could be you simply need to restart the two other mons to fix the problem.

Jens Kristian Søgaard, Mermaid Consulting ApS, j...@mermaidconsulting.dk, 


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