I'm still having issues growing from one mon to two mons with .61.7

I see the following on the existing monitor when adding:

2013-07-28 10:22:28.898898 mon.0 [INF] pgmap v2799768: 59584 pgs: 59584 
active+clean; 15864 MB data, 216 GB used, 40750 GB / 40967 GB avail; 73132B/s 
rd, 0B/s wr, 11op/s
2013-07-28 10:22:30.503057 7f9d67ba5700  0 monclient: hunting for new mon

On 2nd the monitor I just added I see the following hwne starting:

2013-07-28 10:22:39.829381 7f58c1da7700  1 mon.1@0(synchronizing sync( 
requester state start )) e12 sync_obtain_latest_monmap
2013-07-28 10:22:39.829471 7f58c1da7700  1 mon.1@0(synchronizing sync( 
requester state start )) e12 sync_obtain_latest_monmap obtained monmap e12
2013-07-28 10:23:09.891284 7f58c25a8700  1 mon.1@0(synchronizing sync( 
requester state chunks )) e12 sync_timeout mon.1
2013-07-28 10:23:09.927736 7f58c25a8700  1 mon.1@0(synchronizing sync( 
requester state chunks )) e12 sync_requester_abort no longer a sync requester
2013-07-28 10:23:39.823436 7f58c25a8700  0 mon.1@0(probing).data_health(0) 
update_stats avail 94% total 936186880 used 3460376 avail 885170920
2013-07-28 10:24:39.823608 7f58c25a8700  0 mon.1@0(probing).data_health(0) 
update_stats avail 94% total 936186880 used 3460376 avail 885170920
2013-07-28 10:25:39.823774 7f58c25a8700  0 mon.1@0(probing).data_health(0) 
update_stats avail 94% total 936186880 used 3460376 avail 885170920
2013-07-28 10:26:39.823960 7f58c25a8700  0 mon.1@0(probing).data_health(0) 
update_stats avail 94% total 936186880 used 3460376 avail 885170920
2013-07-28 10:27:39.824125 7f58c25a8700  0 mon.1@0(probing).data_health(0) 
update_stats avail 94% total 936186880 used 3460376 avail 885170920

From: Wolfgang Hennerbichler [mailto:wolfgang.hennerbich...@risc-software.at]
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2013 3:30 AM
To: Jeppesen, Nelson
Cc: ceph-users@lists.ceph.com
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Issues going from 1 to 3 mons

Sorry, no updates on my side. My wife got our second baby and I'm busy with 
reality (changing nappies and stuff)

Sent from my mobile device

On 09.07.2013, at 22:18, "Jeppesen, Nelson" 
<nelson.jeppe...@disney.com<mailto:nelson.jeppe...@disney.com>> wrote:

Any updates on this? My production cluster has been running on one monitor for 
a while and I'm a little nervous.

Can I expect a fix in 0.61.5? Thank you.

> (Re-adding the list for future reference)


> Wolfgang, from your log file:


> 2013-06-25 14:58:39.739392 7fa329698780 -1 common/config.cc: In

> function 'void md_config_t::set_val_or_die(const char*, const

> char*)' thread 7fa329698780 time 2013-06-25 14:58:39.738501

> common/config.cc: 621: FAILED assert(ret == 0)


>  ceph version 0.61.4 (1669132fcfc27d0c0b5e5bb93ade59d147e23404)

>  1: /usr/bin/ceph-mon() [0x660736]

>  2: /usr/bin/ceph-mon() [0x699d66]

>  3: (pick_addresses(CephContext*)+0x93) [0x69a1a3]

>  4: (main()+0x1e3f) [0x48256f]

>  5: (__libc_start_main()+0xed) [0x7fa3278f576d]

>  6: /usr/bin/ceph-mon() [0x4848bd]

>  NOTE: a copy of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is

> needed to interpret this.


> This was initially reported on ticket #5205.  Sage fixed it last

> night, for ticket #5195.  Gary reports it fixed using Sage's patch,

> and said fix was backported to the cuttlefish branch.


> It's worth to mention that the cuttlefish branch also contains a

> couple of commits that should boost monitor performance and avoid

> leveldb hangups.


> Looking into #5195 (http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/5195) for more

> info is advised.  Let us know if you decide to try the cuttlefish

> branch (on the monitors) and whether it fixes the issue for you.

> Thanks!


>   -Joao

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