On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 12:35 PM, ker can <kerca...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi Noah,
> while we're still on the hadoop topic ... I was also trying out the
> TestDFSIO tests ceph v/s hadoop.  The Read tests on ceph takes about 1.5x
> the hdfs time.  The write tests are worse about ... 2.5x the time on hdfs,
> but I guess we have additional journaling overheads for the writes on ceph.
> But there should be no such overheads for the read  ?

Out of the box Hadoop will keep 3 copies, and Ceph 2, so it could be
the case that reads are slower because there is less opportunity for
scheduling local reads. You can create a new pool with replication=3
and test this out (documentation on how to do this is on

As for writes, Hadoop will write 2 remote and 1 local blocks, however
Ceph will write all copies remotely, so there is some overhead for the
extra remote object write  (compared to Hadoop), but i wouldn't have
expected 2.5x. It might be useful to run dd or something like that on
Ceph to see if the numbers make sense to rule out Hadoop as the

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