Hi again,

I realized that the problem is caused by the space in our room name '0513 
R-0050'. If I change the space to a dash, it compiles.

The strange thing is that neither ceph osd crush add-bucket nor ceph osd crush 
set complain about the space in a bucket name. And I didn't find a way to 
escape the space in crush.txt (tried \ and ' ').

I gather that either crushtool needs a patch to support spaces or the ceph osd 
crush commands need to forbid them...

Cheers, Dan

Dan Van Der Ster <daniel.vanders...@cern.ch> wrote:

We are just deploying a new cluster (0.61.4) and noticed this:

[root@andy01 ~]# ceph osd getcrushmap -o crush.map
got crush map from osdmap epoch 2166
[root@andy01 ~]# crushtool -d crush.map -o crush.txt
[root@andy01 ~]# crushtool -c crush.txt -o crush2.map
crush.txt:640 error: parse error at ''
[root@andy01 ~]#

So I think this is a bug. crush.txt and crush.map are attached.
Any idea?
Cheers, Dan

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