Hi, all

I wanna fetch debug librbd and debug rbd logs when I am using vm to read / 

        I created a volume from ceph and attached it to a vm. 
        So I suppose when I do read/write in the VM, I can get some rbd debug 
logs in the host where the vm lies in.
        But in fact, after everything I can try, I still cannot get those logs.

Below is the configuration on qemu side
        ; allow ourselves to open a lot of files
        max open files = 131072
        auth cluster required = none
        auth service required = none
        auth client required = none
        ; set log file
        log file = /var/log/ceph/$name.log
        ; set up pid files
        pid file = /var/run/ceph/$name.pid

        rbd cache = true
        rbd cache size = 21474836480
        rbd cache max dirty = 0
        ; set qemu log file
        log file = /var/log/ceph/ceph.client.log
#       debug ms = 1
#       debug client = 20
        debug rbd = 20
        debug librbd = 20
        debug objectcacher = 20

; monitors
;  You need at least one.  You need at least three if you want to
;  tolerate any node failures.  Always create an odd number.
        mon data = /data/$name
        host = node3
        mon addr =

Something I tried:
        I do can fetch librbd logs when using rbd command like "rbd list 
pool_name" and " rbd -p pool_name bench-write image_name --io-size 4096 
--io-threads 1 --io-total 4096 --io-pattern rand"

But if I using dd in vm to the virtual volume created by ceph, there is still 
no rbd debug logs.

Hopefully I have already made myself clear, and I really need some help.

Best regards,

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