
we run a 3 node cluster, every node runs a mon and 4 osds. 2 defined
pools, one with replication level 2,  the second with replication level 3.
We now want to relocate one node from one datacenter to another, which
means a downtime of about 4 hours for that specific node, which
shouldn't hurt the cluster, as 2 nodes are still working.
But is there anything special we should consider or do beforehand,
besides praying that nothing bad will happen with the remaining two nodes?

Thanks for your help,
best regards,

Kurt Bauer <kurt.ba...@univie.ac.at>
Vienna University Computer Center - ACOnet - VIX
Universitaetsstrasse 7, A-1010 Vienna, Austria, Europe
Tel: ++43 1 4277 - 14070 (Fax: - 814070)  KB1970-RIPE

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