On 6/19/13 12:35 AM, Sage Weil wrote:
>> Yes so the init script does create the directory.  Even if i manually
>> create the directory before running the initial 'ceph-deploy mon create'
>> I am still seeing the exception in the mon_create function that I
>> originally posted about.  Still trying to track down what the issue is.
> Weird... let me know what you find!


Ok this is because of the way we created the service user ceph.  When
bash is invoked from a network shell (rsh/ssh) it will use the .bashrc
file if found and in our case was getting a very minimal PATH variable
without /usr/sbin.  Ceph-deploy with the pushy sudo stuff has relative
paths and was just failing if things were not in the path.  Sorry for
the headaches and thanks for the replies.


Derek T. Yarnell
University of Maryland
Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
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