Hi, I'm an admin for the School of Interactive Games and Media at RIT, and 
looking into using ceph to reorganize/consolidate the storage my department is 
using.  I've read a lot of documentation and comments/discussion on the web, 
but I'm not 100% sure what I'm looking at doing is a good use of ceph.  I was 
hoping to get some input on that, as well as an answer to a more specific 
question about OSDs going offline.

First questions:  Are there obvious flaws or concerns with the following 
configuration I should be aware of?  Does it even make sense to try to use ceph 
here?  Anything else I should know, think about, or do instead of the above?

My more specific question relates to the two RAID controllers in the MD3200, 
and my intended 2 or 3 copy replication (also striping):  What happens if all 
OSDs with copies of a piece of data go down for a period of time, but then the 
OSDs come back "intact" (e.g. by moving them to a different controller)?

I know this can be limited or prevented entirely using good failure domain 
organization, but it's still a question I haven't found an answer to.

Sorry  for the wall o' text, and thanks in advance for any help or advice you 
can provide.

Proposed Configuration/Architecture:

I'll note that most of the post-implementation utilization would be in the form 
of RBDs mounted over 10Gbit Ethernet, which will then be used for file storage 
and/or KVM virtual drives.  Once it's stable enough for production I'd like to 
use cephFS for file storage, but not just yet.

Currently, we have a Dell MD3200 and two attached MD1200 set up as a sort of 
mini-SAN, which is then exporting chunks of block to various servers via SAS.  
The whole assemblage has a total capacity of 48TB spread across 36 disks (24x 
1TB drives and 12x 3TB drives).  We also have several TB of storage scattered 
across 10ish drives in 2-3 actual servers.  This is all raw capacity on 7200RPM 

There are a few problem with this configuration:

-          Expanding storage in a usable way is fairly difficult, especially if 
the drives don't match existing drive sizes in the MD SAN.

-          It is relatively easy to end up with "slack" in the storage; large 
chunks of storage that can't be easily allocated or reallocated.

-          Limited number of systems able to directly access the storage (due 
to limited SAS ports)

-          Difficult to upgrade (massive manual data migration needed)

-          2 points of failure (exactly 2 RAID controllers in the MD3200; ceph 
wouldn't solve this problem immediately)

My goals are to have easily expandable and upgradable storage for several 
servers (mainly, but not entirely, virtual), eliminate the "slack" in the 
current configuration, and to be able to relatively easily migrate away from 
the MD pseudo-SAN in the future.  I'm also looking to lay the infrastructure 
ground work for an OpenStack cloud implementation or similar.

My notion is to allocate and split the contents of the Dell MD array as 
individual drives to 3-4 servers (6-9 drives per server), which will then 
configure each drive as an OSD using XFS.  I'd likely set up SSDs as journaling 
drives, each containing journals for ~6 OSDs (10-20GB journal per OSD).  The 
servers would have appropriate RAM (1+GB per OSD, 1-2GB for the monitors), and 
would be 4-6 core Core i-generation Xeons.

The back-end communication network for ceph would be 10GB Ethernet.  I may have 
to have the ceph clients read their data from that back-end network as well; I 
realize this is probably not ideal, but I'm hoping/thinking it will be good 

Edward Huyer
School of Interactive Games and Media
Golisano 70-2373
152 Lomb Memorial Drive
Rochester, NY 14623

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