On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 6:33 AM, SÅ‚awomir Skowron <szi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, sorry for late response.
> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9xDdJXMieKEdHFRYnBfT3lCYm8/view
> Logs in attachment, and on google drive, from today.
> https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B9xDdJXMieKEQzVNVHJ1RXFXZlU/view
> We have such problem today. And new logs are on google drive with today date.
> Strange is that problematic osd.71 have about 10-15%, more space used
> then other osd in cluster.
> Today in one hour osd.71 fails 3 times in mon log, and after third
> recovery has been stuck, and many 500 errors appears in http layer on
> top of rgw. When it's stuck, restarting osd71, osd.23, and osd.108,
> all from stucked pg, helps, but i run even repair on this osd, just in
> case.
> I have some theory, that on this pg is rgw index of objects, or one of
> osd in this pg, have some problems with local filesystem or drive
> bellow (raid controller reports nothing about that), but i do not see
> any problem in system.
> How can we find in which pg/osd index of objects in rgw bucket exist ??

You can find the location of any named object by grabbing the OSD map
from the cluster and using the osdmaptool: "osdmaptool <mapfile>
--test-map-object <objname> --pool <poolid>".

You're not providing any context for your issue though, so we really
can't help. What symptoms are you observing?
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