It might be an internet connection problem.
Try to use the pypi mirror from Google or TsingHua University.
Put below content into your ~/.pip/pip.conf, and try again:
index-url =
use-mirrors = true
mirrors =
b.pypi is provided by Google, and e.pypi is by TsingHua University.
If it still doesn't work, you may need a proxy(Like goagent), then set the
http_proxy environment variable.
------------------ ???????? ------------------
??????: "????"<>;
????????: 2013??5??31??(??????) ????9:29
??????: "ceph-users"<>;
????: [ceph-users] some problem install ceph-deploy(china)
hello everyone
I come from china??when i install ceph-deploy in my server i find some problem
when i run ./bootstrap i find i canot get the argparse ,i find the url is a
http address
when i write the same address in my webbrowser with https:// before the
it can down load it ,
but when i use http in my browser it cannot down it ,it maybe only in china
has this problem,so i want to know how can i changge the http address to a
https address ,thank you
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