Greetings ceph-ers,

As you may have noticed lately, there has been a lot of talk about
Ceph and OpenStack.  While we love all of the excitement that this has
generated, we want to make sure that other cloud setups aren't getting
neglected or ignored.  CloudStack, for instance, also has a great Ceph
integration thanks to some enterprising work from Wido at

So, are you using CloudStack and Ceph?  If so we'd love to hear from
you.  Whether it's just a quiet note for our eyes only, or whether you
have a story to share with the world, we'd love to know.  Of course,
we'd love to hear about anything you're working on.  So, if you have
notes to share about Ceph with other cloud flavors, massive storage
clusters, or custom work, we'd treasure them appropriately.

Feel free to just reply to this email, send a message to, message 'scuttlemonkey' on, or tie
a note to our ip-over-carrier-pigeon network.  Thanks, and happy

Best Regards,

Patrick McGarry
Director, Community || Inktank  ||
@scuttlemonkey || @ceph || @inktank
ceph-users mailing list

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