On Wednesday, May 8, 2013, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:

> Let's assume 20 OSDs servers and 4x 12 ports switches, 2 for public
> network and 2 for cluster netowork
> No link between public switches and no link between cluster switches.
> first 10 OSD servers connected to public switch1 and the other 10 OSDs
> connected to public switch2. The same apply for cluster network.
> 1 HP c7000 chassis with 4x 10GbE connected to public network (2x10 for
> each pubic switch)
> All mons will be connected (if needed) to both switches
> Will ceph able to load share across both switches with no interswitch link?
> What I would like to do is avoid a stackable switch (too expansive)
> and start with smaller switch and then adding ports when needed
> without loosing redundancy or performance.
> Interconnectinc public switches will result in at least 2 lost ports
> and a bottleneck when traffic is routed across that link.

What's your goal here? If the switches are completely isolated from each
other than Ceph is going to have trouble (it expects a fully connected
network), so I think the answer to your question I "no". But maybe you mean
something else and I'm just missing it. :)

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