With the release of cuttlefish, I decided to try out ceph-deploy and
ran into some documentation errors along the way:


Under 'CREATE A USER' it has the following line:

To provide full privileges to the user, add the following to

Based on the command that followed, chef should be replaced with ceph.


Under 'ZAP DISKS' it has an 'Important' message that states:

Important: This will delete all data in the partition.

If I understand it correctly, this should be changed to:

Important: This will delete all data on the disk.

Under 'PREPARE OSDS' it first gives an example to prepare a disk:

ceph-deploy osd prepare {host-name}:{path/to/disk}[:{path/to/journal}]

And then it gives an example that attempts to prepare a partition:

ceph-deploy osd prepare osdserver1:/dev/sdb1:/dev/ssd1

The same issue exists for 'ACTIVATE OSDS' and 'CREATE OSDS'.

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