I'm using the kernel client that's built into precise & quantal.

I could give the ceph-fuse client a try and see if it has the same
issue.  I haven't used it before, so I'll have to do some reading


On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Gregory Farnum <g...@inktank.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I meant kernel client or ceph-fuse? Client logs would be enough
> to start with, I suppose — "debug client = 20" and "debug ms = 1" if
> using ceph-fuse; if using the kernel client things get tricker; I'd
> have to look at what logging is available without the debugfs stuff
> being enabled. :/
> -Greg
> Software Engineer #42 @ http://inktank.com | http://ceph.com
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 3:00 PM, Bryan Stillwell
> <bstillw...@photobucket.com> wrote:
>> I've tried a few different ones:
>> 1. cp to cephfs mounted filesystem on Ubuntu 12.10 (quantal)
>> 2. rsync over ssh to cephfs mounted filesystem on Ubuntu 12.04.2 (precise)
>> 3. scp to cephfs mounted filesystem on Ubuntu 12.04.2 (precise)
>> It's fairly reproducible, so I can collect logs for you.  Which ones
>> would you be interested in?
>> The cluster has been in a couple states during testing (during
>> expansion/rebalancing and during an all active+clean state).
>> BTW, all the nodes are running with the 0.56.4-1precise packages.
>> Bryan
>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 12:56 PM, Gregory Farnum <g...@inktank.com> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Apr 23, 2013 at 11:38 AM, Bryan Stillwell
>>> <bstillw...@photobucket.com> wrote:
>>>> I've run into an issue where after copying a file to my cephfs cluster
>>>> the md5sums no longer match.  I believe I've tracked it down to some
>>>> parts of the file which are missing:
>>>> $ obj_name=$(cephfs "title1.mkv" show_location -l 0 | grep object_name
>>>> | sed -e "s/.*:\W*\([0-9a-f]*\)\.[0-9a-f]*/\1/")
>>>> $ echo "Object name: $obj_name"
>>>> Object name: 10000001120
>>>> $ file_size=$(stat "title1.mkv" | grep Size | awk '{ print $2 }')
>>>> $ printf "File size: %d MiB (%d Bytes)\n" $(($file_size/1048576)) 
>>>> $file_size
>>>> File size: 20074 MiB (21049178117 Bytes)
>>>> $ blocks=$((file_size/4194304+1))
>>>> $ printf "Blocks: %d\n" $blocks
>>>> Blocks: 5019
>>>> $ for b in `seq 0 $(($blocks-1))`; do rados -p data stat
>>>> ${obj_name}.`printf '%8.8x\n' $b` | grep "error"; done
>>>>  error stat-ing data/10000001120.00001076: No such file or directory
>>>>  error stat-ing data/10000001120.000011c7: No such file or directory
>>>>  error stat-ing data/10000001120.0000129c: No such file or directory
>>>>  error stat-ing data/10000001120.000012f4: No such file or directory
>>>>  error stat-ing data/10000001120.00001307: No such file or directory
>>>> Any ideas where to look to investigate what caused these blocks to not
>>>> be written?
>>> What client are you using to write this? Is it fairly reproducible (so
>>> you could collect logs of it happening)?
>>> Usually the only times I've seen anything like this were when either
>>> the file data was supposed to go into a pool which the client didn't
>>> have write permissions on, or when the RADOS cluster was in bad shape
>>> and so the data never got flushed to disk. Has your cluster been
>>> healthy since you started writing the file out?
>>> -Greg
>>> Software Engineer #42 @ http://inktank.com | http://ceph.com
>>>> Here's the current state of the cluster:
>>>> ceph -s
>>>>    health HEALTH_OK
>>>>    monmap e1: 1 mons at {a=}, election epoch 1, quorum 
>>>> 0 a
>>>>    osdmap e22059: 24 osds: 24 up, 24 in
>>>>     pgmap v1783615: 1920 pgs: 1917 active+clean, 3
>>>> active+clean+scrubbing+deep; 4667 GB data, 9381 GB used, 4210 GB /
>>>> 13592 GB avail
>>>>    mdsmap e437: 1/1/1 up {0=a=up:active}
>>>> Here's my current crushmap:
>>>> # begin crush map
>>>> # devices
>>>> device 0 osd.0
>>>> device 1 osd.1
>>>> device 2 osd.2
>>>> device 3 osd.3
>>>> device 4 osd.4
>>>> device 5 osd.5
>>>> device 6 osd.6
>>>> device 7 osd.7
>>>> device 8 osd.8
>>>> device 9 osd.9
>>>> device 10 osd.10
>>>> device 11 osd.11
>>>> device 12 osd.12
>>>> device 13 osd.13
>>>> device 14 osd.14
>>>> device 15 osd.15
>>>> device 16 osd.16
>>>> device 17 osd.17
>>>> device 18 osd.18
>>>> device 19 osd.19
>>>> device 20 osd.20
>>>> device 21 osd.21
>>>> device 22 osd.22
>>>> device 23 osd.23
>>>> # types
>>>> type 0 osd
>>>> type 1 host
>>>> type 2 rack
>>>> type 3 row
>>>> type 4 room
>>>> type 5 datacenter
>>>> type 6 pool
>>>> # buckets
>>>> host b1 {
>>>>         id -2           # do not change unnecessarily
>>>>         # weight 2.980
>>>>         alg straw
>>>>         hash 0  # rjenkins1
>>>>         item osd.0 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.1 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.2 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.3 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.4 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.20 weight 0.480
>>>> }
>>>> host b2 {
>>>>         id -4           # do not change unnecessarily
>>>>         # weight 4.680
>>>>         alg straw
>>>>         hash 0  # rjenkins1
>>>>         item osd.5 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.6 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.7 weight 2.200
>>>>         item osd.8 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.9 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.21 weight 0.480
>>>> }
>>>> host b3 {
>>>>         id -5           # do not change unnecessarily
>>>>         # weight 3.480
>>>>         alg straw
>>>>         hash 0  # rjenkins1
>>>>         item osd.10 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.11 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.12 weight 1.000
>>>>         item osd.13 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.14 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.22 weight 0.480
>>>> }
>>>> host b4 {
>>>>         id -6           # do not change unnecessarily
>>>>         # weight 3.480
>>>>         alg straw
>>>>         hash 0  # rjenkins1
>>>>         item osd.15 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.16 weight 1.000
>>>>         item osd.17 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.18 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.19 weight 0.500
>>>>         item osd.23 weight 0.480
>>>> }
>>>> pool default {
>>>>         id -1           # do not change unnecessarily
>>>>         # weight 14.620
>>>>         alg straw
>>>>         hash 0  # rjenkins1
>>>>         item b1 weight 2.980
>>>>         item b2 weight 4.680
>>>>         item b3 weight 3.480
>>>>         item b4 weight 3.480
>>>> }
>>>> # rules
>>>> rule data {
>>>>         ruleset 0
>>>>         type replicated
>>>>         min_size 2
>>>>         max_size 10
>>>>         step take default
>>>>         step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host
>>>>         step emit
>>>> }
>>>> rule metadata {
>>>>         ruleset 1
>>>>         type replicated
>>>>         min_size 2
>>>>         max_size 10
>>>>         step take default
>>>>         step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host
>>>>         step emit
>>>> }
>>>> rule rbd {
>>>>         ruleset 2
>>>>         type replicated
>>>>         min_size 1
>>>>         max_size 10
>>>>         step take default
>>>>         step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host
>>>>         step emit
>>>> }
>>>> # end crush map
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Bryan
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Bryan Stillwell

E: bstillw...@photobucket.com
O: 303.228.5109
M: 970.310.6085
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