I have centos 6.3 with kernel 3.8.4-1.el6.elrepo.x86_64 from elrepo.org.
Cephfs mount with kernel module.

[root@localhost t1]# wget
[root@localhost t1]# time tar -zxf Joomla_3.0.3-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz
real 8m58.914s
user 0m0.414s
sys 0m0.757s

Same on local file system:
[root@localhost t1]# time tar -zxf Joomla_3.0.3-Stable-Full_Package.tar.gz
real 0m0.477s
user 0m0.252s
sys 0m0.229s

I have empty cluster with 3 VDS on same host server. Every VDS have 1GB
RAM. Have have no any load in this cluster.

Is it normal?
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