I have a cluster of 3 hosts each with 2 SSD and 4 Spinning disks.
I used the example in th ecrush map doco to create a crush map to place
the primary on the SSD and replica on spinning disk.

If I use the example, I end up with objects replicated on the same host,
if I use 2 replicas.

Question 1, is the documentation on the rules correct, should they
really be both ruleset 4 and why? I used ruleset 5 for the ssd-primary.
      rule ssd {
              ruleset 4
              type replicated
              min_size 0
              max_size 10
              step take ssd
              step chooseleaf firstn 0 type host
              step emit

      rule ssd-primary {
              ruleset 4
              type replicated
              min_size 0
              max_size 10
              step take ssd
              step chooseleaf firstn 1 type host
              step emit
              step take platter
              step chooseleaf firstn -1 type host
              step emit

Question 2, Is there any way to ensure that the replicas are on
different hosts when we use double rooted trees for the 2 technologies?
Obviously, the simplest way is to have them on separate hosts.

For the moment, I have increased the number of replicas in the pool to 3
which does ensure that there is at least copies spread across multiple


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