Not at the moment. We had some discussions about "blind" buckets, it's
definitely on our mind, but we're not there yet.


On Sun, Mar 17, 2013 at 3:09 PM, Rustam Aliyev <> wrote:
> Thanks for detailed explanation.
> Is there any way to disable bucket indexes? We already store index in our
> Cassandra cluster and need RADOS only to store objects. We don't plan to do
> any listing operations, only PUT and GET.
> On 17/03/2013 16:24, Gregory Farnum wrote:
>> RADOS doesn't store a list of objects. The RADOS Gateway uses a separate
>> data format on top of objects stored in RADOS, and it keeps a per-user list
>> of buckets and a per-bucket index of objects as "omap" objects in the OSDs
>> (which ultimately end up in a leveldb store). A bucket index is currently a
>> single object (stored on one OSD), so that is a performance (and, much
>> later, storage) bottleneck that you can run into with extremely large
>> buckets that see enough traffic. We don't have a precise number (it depends
>> in large part on how powerful your OSDs are) but it's somewhere in the many
>> millions of objects.
>> -Greg
>> Software Engineer #42 @ |
>> On Monday, March 11, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Rustam Aliyev wrote:
>>> Thanks Sam,
>>> That's great. I'm trying to understand a bit of RADOS internals and I
>>> went through architecture wiki. Yet unclear about some points.
>>> Where does RADOS store the list of objects (object metadata)? According
>>> to RADOSGW docs S3 bucket listing is available, so it must be stored
>>> somewhere.
>>> Thanks,
>>> Rustam.
>>> On 11/03/2013 20:28, Sam Lang wrote:
>>>> On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 9:57 PM, Rustam Aliyev <
>>>> (> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> We need to store ~500M of small files (<1MB) and we were looking to
>>>>> RadosGW
>>>>> solution. We expect about 20 ops/sec (read+write). I'm trying to
>>>>> understand
>>>>> how Monitoring nodes store Crush maps and what are the limitations.
>>>>> For instance, is there any recommended max number of objects per
>>>>> Monitoring
>>>>> node? Does adding more monitoring nodes will help to scale number of
>>>>> small
>>>>> files and iops (assuming that OSDs not a bottleneck)?
>>>> No, the number of objects is unrelated to the monitors, so 3 monitors
>>>> should suffice in your case.
>>>> -sam
>>>>> Many thanks,
>>>>> Rustam.
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