Hi Guys,

Just want to know, how can I calculate the capacity of my ceph cluster.  I 
don't know whether a simple RAID system calculation will work or not.

I have 5 servers each with the storage of 2TB and there are three copies of 
data, will it be ok to calculate the capacity in following way:

5(servers)* 2TB/3.

Ashish kumar| Software Development | weclapp GmbH
Frauenbergstraße 31-33 | D-35039 Marburg
+ 49 6421 999 1805 office  | + 49 6421 999 1899 fax

weclapp GmbH | Sitz der Gesellschaft: Marburg | Handelsregister: Amtsgericht 
Marburg HRB 5438
Geschäftsführer: Michael Schmidt, Ertan Özdil, Uwe Knoke


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