Hi Chris,
Yeah, I did that (sorry I didn't mention that in the original post) - no
joy. :-(
Any other suggestions? :-)
On 19/12/24 21:14, Chris Palmer wrote:
IIRC, the certificate and key are only read from their files when the
commands to specify the file are executed. At that point they are
stored somewhere else. Try executing the two commands (one for key,
one for cert) again, then restart (disable/enable might be enough, I
can't remember).
Regards, Chris
On 19/12/2024 07:04, duluxoz wrote:
Hi All,
So we've been using the Ceph (v18.2.4) Dashboard with internally
generated TLS Certificates (via our Step-CA CA), one for each of our
three Ceph Manager Nodes.
Everything was working AOK.
The TLS Certificates came up for renewal, which they were
successfully renewed. Accordingly, the old Certificates & Keys were
overwritten by the new ones and the commands `ceph mgr module
disable/enabled dashboard` (respectively) were run.
HOWEVER, the Ceph Dashboard stopped working / wouldn't use the
renewed Certificates; as per the logs the Dashboard was still using
the old Certificates and is now complaining that they have expired,
and therefore the Dashboard won't run (unless I disable SSL via the
I've been through the documentation and I can't work out what I've
done wrong; according to this page
- in particular the Blue-Box Note - there's nothing else that needs
to be done - EXCEPT that I've done all of that and the logs still
tell me the Certificate(s) has expired - ie I can't get the Dashboard
to recognise the new Certificates.
Any help greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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