Hi Igor, 

Thank you for taking the time to explains the fragmentation issue. I had 
figured out the most part of it by reading the tracker and the PR but it's 
always clearer when you explain it. 

My question was more about why bluefs would still fail to allocate 4k chunks 
after being allowed to do so by https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/53466 (John's 
case with v17.2.6 actually) 

Is BlueFS aware of the remaining space and maybe using some sort of reserved 
blocks/chunks like other filesystems to handle full/near null situations ? If 
so, then it should never crash, right? 
Like other filesystems don't crash, drives's firmwares dont crash, etc. 


----- Le 28 Nov 24, à 12:52, Igor Fedotov <igor.fedo...@croit.io> a écrit : 

> Hi Frederic,

> here is an overview of the case when BlueFS ıs unable to allocate more space 
> at
> main/shared device albeıt free space is available. Below I'm talking about
> stuff exısted before fıxıng [ https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/53466 |
> https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/53466 ] .

> First of al - BlueFS's minimal allocation unit for shared device was
> bluefs_shared_alloc_size (=64K by default). Which means that it was unable to
> use e.g. 2x32K or 16x4K chunks when it needed additional 64K bytes.

> Secondly - sometimes RocksDB performs recovery - and some other maintenance
> tasks that require space allocation - on startup. Which evidently triggers
> allocation of N*64K chunks from shared device.

> Thirdly - a while ago we switched to 4K chunk allocations for user data 
> (please
> not confuse with BlueFS allocation). Which potentially could result ın 
> specific
> free space fragmentation pattern when there ıs limited (or even empty) set of
> long (>=64K) chunks free. Still technically having enough free space 
> available.
> E.g. free extent list could look like (off~len, both in hex):

> 0x0~1000, 0x2000~1000, 0x4000~2000, 0x10000~4000, 0x2000~1000, etc...

> In that case original BlueFS allocator implementation was unable to locate 
> more
> free space which in turn was effectively breaking both RockDB and OSD boot up.

> One should realize that the above free space fragmentation depends on a bunch 
> of
> factors, none of which is absolutely dominating:

> 1. how user write/remove objects

> 2. how allocator seeks for free space

> 3. how much free space is available

> So we don't have full control on 1. and 3. and have limited opportunities in
> tuning 2.

> Small device sizes and high space utilization severely increase the 
> probability
> for the issue to happen but theoretically even a large disk with mediocre
> utilization could reach "bad" state over time if used (by both clients and
> allocator) "improperly/inefficiently". Hence tuning thresholds can reduce the
> issue's probability to occur (at cost of additional spare space waste) but it
> isn't a silver bullet.

> [ https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/53466 | 
> https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/53466
> ] fixes (or rather works around) the issue by allowing BlueFS to use 4K
> extents. Plus we're working on making better resulting free space 
> fragmentation
> on aged OSDs by improving allocation strategies, e.g. see :

> - [ https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/52489 |
> https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/52489 ]

> - [ https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/57789 |
> https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/57789 ]

> - [ https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/60870 |
> https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/60870 ]

> Hope this is helpful.

> Thanks,

> Igor

> On 27.11.2024 16:31, Frédéric Nass wrote:

>> ----- Le 27 Nov 24, à 10:19, Igor Fedotov [ mailto:igor.fedo...@croit.io |
>> <igor.fedo...@croit.io> ] a écrit :

>>> Hi Istvan,

>>> first of all let me make a remark that we don't know why BlueStore is out of
>>> space at John's cluster.

>>> It's just an unconfirmed hypothesis from Frederic that it's caused by high
>>> fragmentation and BlueFS'es inability to use chunks smaller than 64K. In 
>>> fact
>>> fragmentation issue is fixed since 17.2.6 so I doubt that's the problem.
>> Hi Igor,

>> I wasn't actually pointing this as the root cause (since John's already using
>> 17.2.6) but more to explain the context, but while we're at it...

>> Could you elaborate on circumstances that could prevent BlueFS from being 
>> able
>> to allocate chunks in collocated OSDs scenario? Does this ability depend on
>> near/full thresholds being reached or not? If so then icreasing these
>> thresholds by 1-2% may help avoiding the crash, no?

>> Also, if BlueFS is aware of these thresholds, shouldn't an OSDs be able to 
>> start
>> and live without crashing even when it's full and simply (maybe easier said
>> than done...) refuse any I/Os? Sorry for the noob questions. :-)

>> This topic is particularly important when using NVMe drives as 'collocated'
>> OSDs, expecially since they often host critical metadata pools (cephfs, rgw
>> index).

>> Cheers,
>> Frédéric.

>>> Thanks,

>>> Igor
>>> On 27.11.2024 4:01, Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) wrote:

>>>> Hi,

>>>> This issue should not happen anymore from 17.2.8 am I correct? In this 
>>>> version
>>>> all the fragmentation issue should have gone even with collocated 
>>>> wal+db+block.

>>>> From: Frédéric Nass [ mailto:frederic.n...@univ-lorraine.fr |
>>>> <frederic.n...@univ-lorraine.fr> ]
>>>> Sent: Wednesday, November 27, 2024 6:12:46 AM
>>>> To: John Jasen [ mailto:jja...@gmail.com | <jja...@gmail.com> ]
>>>> Cc: Igor Fedotov [ mailto:igor.fedo...@croit.io | <igor.fedo...@croit.io> 
>>>> ] ;
>>>> ceph-users [ mailto:ceph-users@ceph.io | <ceph-users@ceph.io> ]
>>>> Subject: [ceph-users] Re: down OSDs, Bluestore out of space, unable to 
>>>> restart

>>>> Email received from the internet. If in doubt, don't click any link nor 
>>>> open any
>>>> attachment !
>>>> ________________________________

>>>> Hi John,

>>>> That's about right. Two potential solutions exist:
>>>> 1. Adding a new drive to the server and sharing it for RocksDB metadata, or
>>>> 2. Repurposing one of the failed OSDs for the same purpose (if adding more
>>>> drives isn't feasible).

>>>> Igor's post #6 [1] explains the challenges with co-located OSDs 
>>>> (DB+WAL+data on
>>>> the same device) when they run out of space, where significant 
>>>> fragmentation
>>>> occurs and BlueFS and BlueStore block sizes are misaligned. The solution
>>>> (included in 17.2.6) was to allow BlueFS to allocate 4k extents when it
>>>> couldn't find 64k contiguous extents. However, it seems that even with this
>>>> fix, these OSDs still can't boot up.

>>>> Therefore, the recommendation is to extend the RocksDB volume to another 
>>>> device
>>>> as a temporary workaround.

>>>> Before proceeding, I recommend checking the failed OSDs'
>>>> bluefs_shared_alloc_size value. If it's 64k, you might want to try lowering
>>>> this to 32k or even 4k, as some users reported [2] that reducing this value
>>>> helped failed OSDs boot up and remain stable for a period of time. Might be
>>>> worth checking and trying.

>>>> Regards,
>>>> Frédéric.

>>>> [1] [ https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/53466#note-6 |
>>>> https://tracker.ceph.com/issues/53466#note-6 ]
>>>> [2] [ https://github.com/rook/rook/issues/9885#issuecomment-1761076861%22 |
>>>> https://github.com/rook/rook/issues/9885#issuecomment-1761076861"; ]

>>>> ________________________________
>>>> De : John Jasen [ mailto:jja...@gmail.com | <jja...@gmail.com> ]
>>>> Envoyé : mardi 26 novembre 2024 18:50
>>>> À : Igor Fedotov
>>>> Cc: ceph-users
>>>> Objet : [ceph-users] Re: down OSDs, Bluestore out of space, unable to 
>>>> restart

>>>> Let me see if I have the approach right'ish:

>>>> scrounge some more disk for the servers with full/down OSDs.
>>>> partition the new disks into LVs for each downed OSD.
>>>> Attach as a lvm new-db to the downed OSDs.
>>>> Restart the OSDs.
>>>> Profit.

>>>> Is that about right?

>>>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 11:28 AM Igor Fedotov [ 
>>>> mailto:igor.fedo...@croit.io |
>>>> <igor.fedo...@croit.io> ] wrote:

>>>> > Well, so there is a single shared volume (disk) per OSD, right?

>>>> > If so one can add dedicated DB volume to such an OSD - one done OSD will
>>>> > have two underlying devices: main(which is original shared disk) and new
>>>> > dedicated DB ones. And hence this will effectively provide additional
>>>> > space for BlueFS/RocksDB and permit OSD to start up.

>>>> > I'm not aware of all the details how to do that with cephadm (or whatever
>>>> > RH uses) but on bare metal setup this could be achieved by issuing
>>>> > 'ceph-volume lvm new-db' command which will attach new LV (provided by
>>>> > user) to specific OSD.

>>>> > Thanks,

>>>> > Igor

>>>> > On 26.11.2024 19:16, John Jasen wrote:

>>>> > They're all bluefs_single_shared_device, if I understand your question.
>>>> > There's no room left on the devices to expand.

>>>> > We started at quincy with this cluster, and didn't vary too much from the
>>>> > Redhat Ceph storage 6 documentation for setting it up.

>>>>> On Tue, Nov 26, 2024 at 4:48 AM Igor Fedotov [ 
>>>>> mailto:igor.fedo...@croit.io |
>>>> > <igor.fedo...@croit.io> ]
>>>> > wrote:

>>>> >> Hi John,

>>>> >> you haven't described your OSD volume configuration but you might want
>>>> >> to try adding standalone DB volume if OSD uses LVM and has single main
>>>> >> device only.

>>>> >> 'ceph-volume lvm new-db' command is the preferred way of doing that, see

>>>>>> [ https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/ceph-volume/lvm/newdb/ |
>>>> >> https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/ceph-volume/lvm/newdb/ ]

>>>> >> Thanks,

>>>> >> Igor

>>>> >> On 25.11.2024 21:37, John Jasen wrote:
>>>> >> > Ceph version 17.2.6

>>>> >> > After a power loss event affecting my ceph cluster, I've been putting
>>>> >> > humpty dumpty back together since.

>>>> >> > One problem I face is that with objects degraded, rebalancing doesn't
>>>> >> run
>>>> >> > -- and this resulted in several of my fast OSDs filling up.

>>>> >> > I have 8 OSDs currently down, 100% full (exceeding all the full ratio
>>>> >> > settings on by default or I toggled to try and keep it together), and
>>>> >> when
>>>> >> > I try to restart them, they fail out. Is there any way to bring these
>>>> >> back
>>>> >> > from the dead?

>>>> >> > Here's some interesting output from journalctl -xeu on the failed OSD:

>>>> >> > ceph-osd[2383080]: bluestore::NCB::__restore_allocator::No Valid
>>>> >> allocation
>>>> >> > info on disk (empty file)
>>>> >> > ceph-osd[2383080]: bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-242)
>>>> >> > _init_alloc::NCB::restore_allocator() failed! Run Full Recovery from
>>>> >> ONodes
>>>> >> > (might take a while) ...

>>>> >> > ceph-osd[2389725]: bluefs _allocate allocation failed, needed 0x3000

>>>> >> > ceph-6ab85342-53d6-11ee-88a7-e43d1a153e91-osd-242[2389718]: -2>
>>>> >> > 2024-11-25T18:31:42.070+0000 7f0adfdef540 -1 bluefs _flush_range_F
>>>> >> > allocated: 0x0 offset: 0x0 length: 0x230f
>>>> >> > ceph-osd[2389725]: bluefs _flush_range_F allocated: 0x0 offset: 0x0
>>>> >> length:
>>>> >> > 0x230f

>>>> >> > Followed quickly by an abort:

>>>> >> /home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_DIST/centos8/DIST/centos8/MACHINE_SIZE/gigantic/release/17.2.6/rpm/el8/BUILD/ceph-17.2.6/src/os/bluestore/BlueFS.cc:
>>>> >> > In funct>

>>>> >> /home/jenkins-build/build/workspace/ceph-build/ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_ARCH/x86_64/AVAILABLE_DIST/centos8/DIST/centos8/MACHINE_SIZE/gigantic/release/17.2.6/rpm/el8/BUILD/ceph-17.2.6/src/os/bluestore/BlueFS.cc:
>>>> >> > 3380: ce>

>>>> >> > ceph
>>>> >> version
>>>> >> > 17.2.6 (d7ff0d10654d2280e08f1ab989c7cdf3064446a5) quincy (stable)
>>>> >> > 1:
>>>> >> > (ceph::__ceph_abort(char const*, int, char const*,
>>>> >> > std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<char> > const&)+0xd7) [0x559bf4361d2f]
>>>> >> > 2:
>>>> >> > (BlueFS::_flush_range_F(BlueFS::FileWriter*, unsigned long, unsigned
>>>> >> > long)+0x7a9) [0x559bf4b225f9]
>>>> >> > 3:
>>>> >> > (BlueFS::_flush_F(BlueFS::FileWriter*, bool, bool*)+0xa2)
>>>> >> [0x559bf4b22812]
>>>> >> > 4:
>>>> >> > (BlueFS::fsync(BlueFS::FileWriter*)+0x8e) [0x559bf4b40c3e]
>>>> >> > 5:
>>>> >> > (BlueRocksWritableFile::Sync()+0x19) [0x559bf4b51ed9]
>>>> >> > 6:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::LegacyWritableFileWrapper::Sync(rocksdb::IOOptions const&,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::IODebugContext*)+0x22) [0x559bf507fbd2]
>>>> >> > 7:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::WritableFileWriter::SyncInternal(bool)+0x5aa) 
>>>> >> > [0x559bf51a880a]
>>>> >> > 8:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::WritableFileWriter::Sync(bool)+0x100) [0x559bf51aa0a0]
>>>> >> > 9:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::SyncManifest(rocksdb::Env*, rocksdb::ImmutableDBOptions
>>>> >> const*,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::WritableFileWriter*)+0x10b) [0x559bf51a3bfb]
>>>> >> > 10:

>>>> >> (rocksdb::VersionSet::ProcessManifestWrites(std::deque<rocksdb::VersionSet::ManifestWriter,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<rocksdb::VersionSet::ManifestWriter> >&,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::InstrumentedMutex*, rocksdb::FSDirectory*, bool, rocks>
>>>> >> > 11:

>>>> >> (rocksdb::VersionSet::LogAndApply(rocksdb::autovector<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyData*,
>>>> >> > 8ul> const&, rocksdb::autovector<rocksdb::MutableCFOptions const*, 
>>>> >> > 8ul>
>>>> >> > const&, rocksdb::autovector<rocksdb::autovector<rocksdb::>
>>>> >> > 12:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::VersionSet::LogAndApply(rocksdb::ColumnFamilyData*,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::MutableCFOptions const&, rocksdb::VersionEdit*,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::InstrumentedMutex*, rocksdb::FSDirectory*, bool,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::ColumnFamilyOptions const>
>>>> >> > 13:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::DBImpl::DeleteUnreferencedSstFiles()+0xa30) [0x559bf50bd250]
>>>> >> > 14:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::DBImpl::Recover(std::vector<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyDescriptor,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyDescriptor> > const&, bool, bool,
>>>> >> bool,
>>>> >> > unsigned long*)+0x13f1) [0x559bf50d3f21]
>>>> >> > 15:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::DBImpl::Open(rocksdb::DBOptions const&,
>>>> >> > std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<char> > const&,
>>>> >> std::vector<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyDescriptor,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<rocksdb::Colu>
>>>> >> > 16:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::DB::Open(rocksdb::DBOptions const&,
>>>> >> > std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<char> > const&,
>>>> >> std::vector<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyDescriptor,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<rocksdb::ColumnFa>
>>>> >> > 17:
>>>> >> > (RocksDBStore::do_open(std::ostream&, bool, bool,
>>>> >> > std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<char> > const&)+0x77a) [0x559bf503766a]
>>>> >> > 18:
>>>> >> > (BlueStore::_open_db(bool, bool, bool)+0xbb4) [0x559bf4a4bff4]
>>>> >> > 19:
>>>> >> > (BlueStore::_open_db_and_around(bool, bool)+0x500) [0x559bf4a766e0]
>>>> >> > 20:
>>>> >> > (BlueStore::_mount()+0x396) [0x559bf4a795d6]
>>>> >> > 21:
>>>> >> > (OSD::init()+0x556) [0x559bf44a0eb6]
>>>> >> > 22: main()
>>>> >> > 23:
>>>> >> > __libc_start_main()
>>>> >> > 24:
>>>> >> _start()

>>>> >> > *** Caught signal (Aborted) **
>>>> >> > in thread
>>>> >> > 7f0adfdef540 thread_name:ceph-osd

>>>> >> > ceph
>>>> >> version
>>>> >> > 17.2.6 (d7ff0d10654d2280e08f1ab989c7cdf3064446a5) quincy (stable)
>>>> >> > 1:
>>>> >> > /lib64/libpthread.so.0(+0x12cf0) [0x7f0addff1cf0]
>>>> >> > 2:
>>>> >> gsignal()
>>>> >> > 3: abort()
>>>> >> > 4:
>>>> >> > (ceph::__ceph_abort(char const*, int, char const*,
>>>> >> > std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<char> > const&)+0x197) [0x559bf4361def]
>>>> >> > 5:
>>>> >> > (BlueFS::_flush_range_F(BlueFS::FileWriter*, unsigned long, unsigned
>>>> >> > long)+0x7a9) [0x559bf4b225f9]
>>>> >> > 6:
>>>> >> > (BlueFS::_flush_F(BlueFS::FileWriter*, bool, bool*)+0xa2)
>>>> >> [0x559bf4b22812]
>>>> >> > 7:
>>>> >> > (BlueFS::fsync(BlueFS::FileWriter*)+0x8e) [0x559bf4b40c3e]
>>>> >> > 8:
>>>> >> > (BlueRocksWritableFile::Sync()+0x19) [0x559bf4b51ed9]
>>>> >> > 9:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::LegacyWritableFileWrapper::Sync(rocksdb::IOOptions const&,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::IODebugContext*)+0x22) [0x559bf507fbd2]
>>>> >> > 10:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::WritableFileWriter::SyncInternal(bool)+0x5aa) 
>>>> >> > [0x559bf51a880a]
>>>> >> > 11:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::WritableFileWriter::Sync(bool)+0x100) [0x559bf51aa0a0]
>>>> >> > 12:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::SyncManifest(rocksdb::Env*, rocksdb::ImmutableDBOptions
>>>> >> const*,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::WritableFileWriter*)+0x10b) [0x559bf51a3bfb]
>>>> >> > 13:

>>>> >> (rocksdb::VersionSet::ProcessManifestWrites(std::deque<rocksdb::VersionSet::ManifestWriter,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<rocksdb::VersionSet::ManifestWriter> >&,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::InstrumentedMutex*, rocksdb::FSDirectory*, bool, rocks>
>>>> >> > 14:

>>>> >> (rocksdb::VersionSet::LogAndApply(rocksdb::autovector<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyData*,
>>>> >> > 8ul> const&, rocksdb::autovector<rocksdb::MutableCFOptions const*, 
>>>> >> > 8ul>
>>>> >> > const&, rocksdb::autovector<rocksdb::autovector<rocksdb::>
>>>> >> > 15:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::VersionSet::LogAndApply(rocksdb::ColumnFamilyData*,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::MutableCFOptions const&, rocksdb::VersionEdit*,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::InstrumentedMutex*, rocksdb::FSDirectory*, bool,
>>>> >> > rocksdb::ColumnFamilyOptions const>
>>>> >> > 16:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::DBImpl::DeleteUnreferencedSstFiles()+0xa30) [0x559bf50bd250]
>>>> >> > 17:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::DBImpl::Recover(std::vector<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyDescriptor,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyDescriptor> > const&, bool, bool,
>>>> >> bool,
>>>> >> > unsigned long*)+0x13f1) [0x559bf50d3f21]
>>>> >> > 18:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::DBImpl::Open(rocksdb::DBOptions const&,
>>>> >> > std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<char> > const&,
>>>> >> std::vector<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyDescriptor,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<rocksdb::Colu>
>>>> >> > 19:
>>>> >> > (rocksdb::DB::Open(rocksdb::DBOptions const&,
>>>> >> > std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<char> > const&,
>>>> >> std::vector<rocksdb::ColumnFamilyDescriptor,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<rocksdb::ColumnFa>
>>>> >> > 20:
>>>> >> > (RocksDBStore::do_open(std::ostream&, bool, bool,
>>>> >> > std::__cxx11::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
>>>> >> > std::allocator<char> > const&)+0x77a) [0x559bf503766a]
>>>> >> > 21:
>>>> >> > (BlueStore::_open_db(bool, bool, bool)+0xbb4) [0x559bf4a4bff4]
>>>> >> > 22:
>>>> >> > (BlueStore::_open_db_and_around(bool, bool)+0x500) [0x559bf4a766e0]
>>>> >> > 23:
>>>> >> > (BlueStore::_mount()+0x396) [0x559bf4a795d6]
>>>> >> > 24:
>>>> >> > (OSD::init()+0x556) [0x559bf44a0eb6]
>>>> >> > 25: main()
>>>> >> > 26:
>>>> >> > __libc_start_main()
>>>> >> > 27:
>>>> >> _start()
>>>> >> > NOTE: a
>>>> >> copy
>>>> >> > of the executable, or `objdump -rdS <executable>` is needed to 
>>>> >> > interpret
>>>> >> > this.
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