> Don't laugh.  I am experimenting with Ceph in an enthusiast,

Everyone has a smile on their face when working with ceph! ;)

> Seriously, I think that, with just a little bit of polishing and
> automation, Ceph could be deployed in the small-office/home-office
> setting. Don't laugh. This could happen.

I am also looking at this now. Some offices have 30-70 drives. Then it starts 
to make sense I guess. Currently exploring individual performance.

> wtf? I cd to /dest/.snap and indeed it is a directory. And it's empty.
> The source .snap is a file, 736 bytes in size.  Directory timestamp
> and source-file timestamp are identical. I attempt a hand repair.  I
> cd to the parent dir, do rmdir .snap and rmdir says "no such
> directory". wtf? So then `ls -la` and indeed, there is no such
> directory. But I can still cd into it! Huh. I cannot rmdir it, I
> cannot cp or mv it, because "it doesn't exist". If I cd into it, I
> cannot create any files in it, I get "permission denied", even as
> root. So it's a directory, it won't show in the listing of the parent
> dir. I can cd to it, but I cannot put anything in it.

Did you read the manuals about cephfs snapshots? 

I skipped a bit through the rest of your message. You should know this a quite 
capable team here at ceph and it is very unlikely you have anything to touch 
them ;) Get to know ceph. You think companies using 3000 disks would use ceph 
having the issues you mention?

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