Hi at all,

we use proxmoxcluster (v8.2.8) with ceph (v18.2.4) an EC-pools (all
ceph options on default). One pool is exported with CephFS as backend
storage for nextcloud servers.
At the moment there is data migration from old S3 storage to CephFS
pool. There are many files with huge filename length.
In Wikipedia
(see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems#Limits)
there is CephFS max filename length to 255 characters and no limit for
pathname length. Is this true?
What is maximum filename length for CephFS (reef)?
Which CephFS options could be altered to increase filnename length?
What is the best practice to handle files with too long filename?
Has anyone experience about this setting?

best regards
Thomas Naumann

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