Ah, I misunderstood, I thought you wanted an even distribution across
both ranks.
Just for testing purposes, have you tried pinning rank 1 to some other
directory? Does it still break the CephFS if you stop it? I'm not sure
if you can prevent rank 1 from participating, I haven't looked into
all the configs in quite a while. Would it be an option to rather use
multiple Filesystems instead of multi-active for one CephFS?
Zitat von Александр Руденко <a.rud...@gmail.com>:
No it's not a typo. It's misleading example)
dir1 and dir2 are pinned to rank 0, but FS and dir1,dir2 can't work without
rank 1.
rank 1 is used for something when I work with this dirs.
ceph 16.2.13, metadata balancer and policy based balancing not used.
ср, 20 нояб. 2024 г. в 16:33, Eugen Block <ebl...@nde.ag>:
> After pinning:
> setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin -v 0 /fs-mountpoint/dir1
> setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin -v 0 /fs-mountpoint/dir2
is this a typo? If not, you did pin both directories to the same rank.
Zitat von Александр Руденко <a.rud...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I try to distribute all top level dirs in CephFS by different MDS ranks.
> I have two active MDS with rank *0* and *1 *and I have 2 top dirs like
> */dir1* and* /dir2*.
> After pinning:
> setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin -v 0 /fs-mountpoint/dir1
> setfattr -n ceph.dir.pin -v 0 /fs-mountpoint/dir2
> I can see next INOS and DNS distribution:
> 0 active c Reqs: 127 /s 12.6k 12.5k 333 505
> 1 active b Reqs: 11 /s 21 24 19 1
> When I write to dir1 I can see a small amount on Reqs: in rank 1.
> Events in journal of MDS with rank 1:
> cephfs-journal-tool --rank=fs1:1 event get list
> 2024-11-20T12:24:42.045056+0300 0xc5c1cb UPDATE: (scatter_writebehind)
> A2037D53
> 2024-11-20T12:24:46.935934+0300 0xc5c629 SESSION: ()
> 2024-11-20T12:24:47.192012+0300 0xc5c7cd UPDATE: (lock inest accounted
> scatter stat update)
> 2024-11-20T12:24:47.904717+0300 0xc5ca0b SESSION: ()
> 2024-11-20T12:26:46.912719+0300 0xc5ca98 SESSION: ()
> 2024-11-20T12:26:47.910806+0300 0xc5cc3c SESSION: ()
> 2024-11-20T12:27:35.746239+0300 0xc5ccc9 SESSION: ()
> 2024-11-20T12:28:46.923812+0300 0xc5ce63 SESSION: ()
> 2024-11-20T12:28:47.903066+0300 0xc5d007 SESSION: ()
> 2024-11-20T12:29:08.063326+0300 0xc5d094 EXPORT: ()
> di1/A2037D53
> 2024-11-20T12:30:46.909621+0300 0xc5d96f SESSION: ()
> 2024-11-20T12:30:47.908050+0300 0xc5db13 SESSION: ()
> 2024-11-20T12:32:46.907649+0300 0xc5dba0 SESSION: ()
> 2024-11-20T12:32:47.905962+0300 0xc5dd44 SESSION: ()
> 2024-11-20T12:34:44.349348+0300 0xc5ddd1 SESSIONS: ()
> But the main problem, when I stop MDS rank 1 (without any kind of
> - FS hangs for all actions.
> Is this correct? Is it possible to completely exclude rank 1 from
> processing dir1 and not stop io when rank 1 goes down?
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