Hi Christoph,

No. Splitting data and distributing it across multiple OSDs without generating 
parity chunks is not possible in Ceph (k=2,m=0 with erasure coding wouldn't 
make sens).
Either you use replication or erasure coding with at least a coding chunck 


----- Le 18 Nov 24, à 17:13, Christoph Pleger 
christoph.ple...@cs.tu-dortmund.de a écrit :

> Hello,
> Is it possible to have something like RAID0 with Ceph?
> That is, when the cluster configuration file contains
> osd pool default size = 4
> and I have four hosts with one osd drive (all the same size, let's call
> it size s) per host, is it somehow possible to add four other hosts
> with one osd drive (again with size s) per host, so that the resulting
> Ceph block device is of size 2 * s?
> Regards
>  Christoph
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