Try using this tool to benchmark the underlying disks.

1. The disk will need to be removed from Ceph, wiped, and a filesystem placed 
on it. (I do see a change note about RBD support; in this case, I recommend 
benchmarking one disk instead of the cluster)
2. Run fio in all modes, this will result in a folder with many test results. 
Use fio-plot to ingest this folder and chart the results.

  *   Eli
From: Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) <>
Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 at 2:34 AM
To: Sridhar Seshasayee <>
Cc: Ceph Users <>
Subject: [ceph-users] Re: Is there a way to throttle faster osds due to slow 
*** External email: use caution ***

Yes, thank you, I wanted to know actually is it safe to divide by 4 all, but 
seems like after my test still bad slow ops and no affect at all.

From: Sridhar Seshasayee <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 5:22 PM
To: Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) <>
Cc: Ceph Users <>
Subject: Re: [ceph-users] Re: Is there a way to throttle faster osds due to 
slow ops?

Email received from the internet. If in doubt, don't click any link nor open 
any attachment !
Yes, you can override the capacity using "config set osd.N 
osd_mclock_max_capacity_iops_ssd <new_value>".

On Tue, Oct 1, 2024 at 3:45 PM Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) 
<<>> wrote:
Digged a bit further, seems like the osd_mclock_max_capacity_iops_ssd in config 
db which comes from ceph bench determined by 1 osd, however if I have 4osd on 
my 15TB nvme and I run the bench in parallel on 1 nvme drive 4 osds, the result 
is /4.

Is it safe to divide this value by 4 in the config db?

From: Szabo, Istvan (Agoda) 
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 1:47 PM
To: Ceph Users <<>>
Subject: [ceph-users] Is there a way to throttle faster osds due to slow ops?


We have extended our clusters with some new nodes and currently it is 
impossible to remove from any old node the nvme drive which holding the index 
pool in the cluster without generating slow ops and cluster performance 

Currently how I want to remove is in quincy non cephadm cluster is to crush 
reweight to 0 and remove. This data movement makes slow ops all the way during 
the nvme osd out.

In my opinion it might be generated from the faster drives harder push on the 
old servers nvme which makes high iowait on the old nvmes so I want to somehow 
throttle the new nvmes. Not sure with mclock or with any wait is it possible? 
(max backfill, osd recover ops and recovery ops priotity is already 1 and 
balancer max misplaced ratio 0.01).

This some of the slow osd says during remove:<>

2024-10-01T11:46:29.601+0700 7f29bf4f8640  0 
bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-91) log_latency_fn slow operation observed for 
_txc_committed_kv, latency = 5.583707809s, txc = 0x55af2bd2e300
2024-10-01T11:46:29.601+0700 7f29bf4f8640  0 
bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-91) log_latency_fn slow operation observed for 
_txc_committed_kv, latency = 5.541916847s, txc = 0x55af1a035b00
2024-10-01T11:46:29.601+0700 7f29bf4f8640  0 
bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-91) log_latency_fn slow operation observed for 
_txc_committed_kv, latency = 5.533919334s, txc = 0x55af19fafb00
2024-10-01T11:46:29.601+0700 7f29bf4f8640  0 
bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-91) log_latency_fn slow operation observed for 
_txc_committed_kv, latency = 6.904534340s, txc = 0x55af49814c00
2024-10-01T11:46:29.601+0700 7f29bf4f8640  0 
bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-91) log_latency_fn slow operation observed for 
_txc_committed_kv, latency = 6.911001205s, txc = 0x55af24b19800
2024-10-01T11:46:29.601+0700 7f29bf4f8640  0 
bluestore(/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-91) log_latency_fn slow operation observed for 
_txc_committed_kv, latency = 5.597061634s, txc = 0x55af4fe0fb00
2024-10-01T11:46:30.889+0700 7f29becf7640  4 rocksdb: 
[db/db_impl/] [default] New memtable created with log 
file: #280327. Immutable memtables: 0.
2024-10-01T11:46:30.889+0700 7f29becf7640  4 rocksdb: [db/] 
[default] Increasing compaction threads because we have 18 level-0 files
2024-10-01T11:46:30.889+0700 7f29c4512640  4 rocksdb: (Original Log Time 
2024/10/01-11:46:30.893378) [db/db_impl/] 
Calling FlushMemTableToOutputFile with column family [default], flush slots 
available 1, compaction slots available 2, flush slots scheduled 1, compaction 
slots scheduled 2
2024-10-01T11:46:30.889+0700 7f29c4512640  4 rocksdb: [db/] 
[default] [JOB 5604] Flushing memtable with next log file: 280327
2024-10-01T11:46:30.889+0700 7f29c4512640  4 rocksdb: EVENT_LOG_v1 
{"time_micros": 1727757990893428, "job": 5604, "event": "flush_started", 
"num_memtables": 1, "num_entries": 2437269, "num_deletes": 2384624, 
"total_data_size": 233695787, "memory_usage": 278437952, "flush_reason": "Write 
Buffer Full"}
2024-10-01T11:46:30.889+0700 7f29c4512640  4 rocksdb: [db/] 
[default] [JOB 5604] Level-0 flush table #280328: started

Thank you

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Sridhar Seshasayee

Partner Engineer


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