I think the advice is not to use floating tags (i.e. "latest") and use specific 
tags if possible.

I believe you can achieve what you want with either:

"ceph orch upgrade --image <image>"
not sure if this allows you to downgrade, but certainly lets you upgrade and 
change image, see Upgrading Ceph — Ceph 

setting the "container_image" parameter and redeploying your RGWs
this is a bit more hacky I think, I've not tested it directly and not tried a 
downgrade probably worth a go
something like...

"ceph config set "client.rgw..."  container_image quay.io/ceph/ceph:v19.1.1"
"ceph orch rm <rgw service>" - to remove your existing rgw
"ceph orch apply -i rgw.yaml"  - to redeploy it, which should now use the new 

As I understand it, changing the container_image and redeploying services is 
what the "ceph orch upgrade" command does under the covers.

Hope that helps.

From: Mahdi Noorbala <noorbala7...@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 19, 2024 12:10 PM
To: ceph-users@ceph.io <ceph-users@ceph.io>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [ceph-users] Deploy rgw different version using cephadm

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Recently I deployed a ceph cluster (version: reef) in my lab and after
that, I deployed RGW using this manifest:

service_type: rgw
service_id: lab-object-storage
  label: rgw
  count_per_host: 1
  rgw_frontend_port: 8080

Now I have a rgw container. the docker image is: quay.io/ceph/ceph (latest

My question is: Is there any way to change rgw image version?
How can I downgrade rgw version using cephadm?

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