Hi everyone,

I hope maybe someone here has an idea what is happening here or can give some 
pointers how to debug it further.
We currently have a bucket which has large omap objects. Following this guide 
(https://access.redhat.com/solutions/6450561) we are able to identify the 
bucket etc.

$ ceph health detail
HEALTH_WARN 25 large omap objects
[WRN] LARGE_OMAP_OBJECTS: 25 large omap objects
    25 large objects found in pool 'ceph-objectstore.rgw.buckets.index'
    Search the cluster log for 'Large omap object found' for more details.

$ radosgw-admin metadata list --metadata-key bucket.instance | grep -i XXX

$ radosgw-admin bilog list --bucket-id=“XXX" --bucket=“YYY" 
--max-entries=600000 | grep -c op_id 

So far so good! But when try to trim the bilog we get the following error:

$ radosgw-admin bilog trim --bucket-id=“XXX" --bucket=“YYY" 
ERROR: trim_bi_log_entries(): (2) No such file or directory

The bucket itself doesn’t show any issues - all S3 operations are working.

Thanks for any input!

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