I'd put in an RFO to detect/prevent creation of mutually-exclusive OSD
definitions on a single OSD storage unit myself, since that's the real
problem. As Eugen has noted, you can up-convert a traditional OSD to
cephadm manaegment... unless there's already a managed instance
existing. I can attest that from experience.

the reasons I recommend complete destruction/rebuilding of the
offending OSDs boil down to this:

1. Not knowing the internals of either new or old OSD logic, I feel it
risky to just rip things out by brute force.

2. Because two independent and mutually-ignorant processes have been
working on the same OSD backing store, there is possibility for
corruption.I don't expect an OSD to have suitable interlocks to prevent
that, since normally a single OSD is the sole owner of its backing
store and interlocks would just slow it down for no purpose.

Thus, by cleanly shutting down the old-style OSD process, leaving just
the container-based OSD running, draining that OSD, wiping out
everything that automated cleanup missed and re-creating the OSD, all
of the data in the OSD is going to have passed through the migration
process twice, and I would expect migration to detect and clean up (or
at least report) any inconsistencies, so that they don't pop up months
or years later.

Granted, if you have triple redundancy on the pools in the OSD, the
likelihood of lost/damaged data is pretty low, but in my case, I was
still recovering from a fried Internet connection and didn't want any
more surprises.

So ultimately the choice is yours, Quick-fix or slow.


On Sat, 2024-08-17 at 08:05 +0000, Eugen Block wrote:
> Hi,
> > When things settle down, I *MIGHT* put in a RFE to change the  
> > default for ceph-volume to --no-systemd to save someone else from  
> > this anguish.
> note that there are still users/operators/admins who don't use  
> containers. Changing the ceph-volume default might not be the best  
> idea in this case.
> Regarding the cleanup, this was the thread [1] Tim was referring to.
> I  
> would set the noout flag, stop an OSD (so the device won't be busy  
> anymore), make sure that both ceph-osd@{OSD_ID} and  
> ceph-{FSID}@osd.{OSD_ID} then double check that everything you need
> is  
> still under /var/lib/ceph/{FSID}/osd.{OSD_ID}, like configs an  
> keyrings. Disable the ceph-osd@{OSD_ID} (as already pointed out),
> then  
> check if the orchestrator can start the OSD via systemd:
> ceph orch daemon start osd.{OSD_ID}
> or alternatively, try it manually:
> systemctl reset-failed
> systemctl start ceph-{FSID}@osd.{OSD_ID}
> Watch the log for that OSD to identify any issues. If it works,
> unset  
> the noout flag. You might want to ensure it also works after a
> reboot,  
> though.
> I don't think it should be necessary to redeploy the OSDs, but the  
> cleanup has to be proper.
> As a guidance you can check the cephadm tool's contents and look for 
> the "adopt" function. That migrates the contents of the pre-cephadm  
> daemons into the FSID specific directories.
> Regards,
> Eugen
> [1]  
> https://lists.ceph.io/hyperkitty/list/ceph-users@ceph.io/message/K2R3MXRD3S2DSXCEGX5IPLCF5L3UUOQI/
> Zitat von Dan O'Brien <dobr...@gmu.edu>:
> > OK... I've been in the Circle of Hell where systemd lives and I  
> > *THINK* I have convinced myself I'm OK. I *REALLY* don't want to  
> > trash and rebuild the OSDs.
> > 
> > In the manpage for systemd.unit, I found
> > 
> > The system and service manager loads a unit's configuration  
> > automatically when a unit is referenced for the first time. It
> > will  
> > automatically unload the unit configuration and state again when
> > the  
> > unit is not needed anymore ("garbage collection").
> > 
> > I've disabled the systemd units (which removes the symlink from
> > the  
> > target) for the non-cephadm OSDs I created by mistake and I'm
> > PRETTY  
> > SURE if I wait long enough (or reboot) that I won't see them any  
> > more, since there won't be a unit for systemd to care about.
> > 
> > I *WILL* have to clean up /var/lib/ceph/osd eventually. I tried
> > just  
> > now, but it says "device busy." I think that's because there's
> > some  
> > OTHER systemd cruft that shows a mount:
> > [root@ceph02 ~]# systemctl --all | grep ceph | grep mount
> >   var-lib-ceph-osd-ceph\x2d11.mount         loaded    active    
> > mounted   /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-11
> >   var-lib-ceph-osd-ceph\x2d25.mount        loaded    active    
> > mounted   /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-25
> >   var-lib-ceph-osd-ceph\x2d9.mount          loaded    active    
> > mounted   /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-9
> > 
> > When things settle down, I *MIGHT* put in a RFE to change the  
> > default for ceph-volume to --no-systemd to save someone else from  
> > this anguish.
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