Hi everyone

My cluster ceph run currently 18.2.2 and ceph -s say everything are OK

root@cthulhu1:/var/lib/ceph/crash# ceph -s
    id:     9c5bb196-c212-11ee-84f3-c3f2beae892d
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 5 daemons, quorum cthulhu1,cthulhu5,cthulhu3,cthulhu4,cthulhu2 (age 4d)
    mgr: cthulhu1.yhgean(active, since 4d), standbys: cthulhu3.ylmosn, 
cthulhu5.hqiarz, cthulhu4.odtqjw, cthulhu2.ynvnob
    mds: 1/1 daemons up, 4 standby
    osd: 370 osds: 370 up (since 4d), 370 in (since 3M)

    volumes: 1/1 healthy
    pools:   4 pools, 259 pgs
    objects: 333.68M objects, 279 TiB
    usage:   423 TiB used, 5.3 PiB / 5.8 PiB avail
    pgs:     226 active+clean
             19  active+clean+scrubbing+deep
             14  active+clean+scrubbing

I got 3 clients cephfs :

  2 with debian 12 + 18.2.2
  1 with Debian 11 + 17.2.7

The Debian 11 client work fine, I try to umount the cephfs and remount it
and it's working

The first Debian 12 + 18.2.2 are a upgrade from Debian 11 + 17.2.7 and
before the update the mount was working, after the upgrade I'm unable to
mount the cephfs

The second Debian 12 is a fresh install and I'm also unable to mount the

I check the network and don't see any firewall problem.

On the client when I try mount they take few minutes to answer me 

  mount error: no mds server is up or the cluster is laggy

on the client I can see : 

Jul 16 14:10:43 Debian12-1 kernel: [  860.636012] ceph: corrupt mdsmap
Jul 16 14:23:37 Debian12-2 kernel: [11497.406652] ceph: corrupt mdsmap

I try to google this error but all I can find are the situation when ceph
-s say it's in big trouble. On my case not only ceph -s say everything are
ok but the Debian 11 are able to umount/mount/umount/mount/write

Any clue or debugging method ? 


Albert SHIH 🦫 🐸
Observatoire de Paris
Heure locale/Local time:
mar. 16 juil. 2024 14:26:47 CEST
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