On 6/4/24 15:20, Sake Ceph wrote:

A little break into this thread, but I have some questions:
* How does this happen, that the filesystem gets into readonly modus

The detail explanation you can refer to the ceph PR: https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/55421.

* Is this avoidable?
* How-to fix the issue, because I didn't see a workaround in the mentioned 
tracker (or I missed it)
Possibly avoid changing data pools or disable multiple data pools?
* With this bug around, should you use cephfs with reef?

This will happen in all the releases, so that doesn't matter.

- Xiubo

Kind regards,

Op 04-06-2024 04:04 CEST schreef Xiubo Li <xiu...@redhat.com>:

Hi Nicolas,

This is a known issue and Venky is working on it, please see

- Xiubo

On 6/3/24 20:04, nbarb...@deltaonline.net wrote:

First of all, thanks for reading my message. I set up a Ceph version 18.2.2 cluster with 
4 nodes, everything went fine for a while, but after copying some files, the storage 
showed a warning status and the following message : "HEALTH_WARN: 1 MDSs are read 
only mds.PVE-CZ235007SH(mds.0): MDS in read-only mode".

The logs are showing :

Jun 03 08:20:41 PVE-CZ235007SH ceph-mds[1329868]:  -9999> 
2024-06-03T07:57:17.589+0200 77250fc006c0 -1 log_channel(cluster) log [ERR] : 
failed to store backtrace on ino 0x1000000039c object, pool 5, errno -2
Jun 03 08:20:41 PVE-CZ235007SH ceph-mds[1329868]:  -9998> 
2024-06-03T07:57:17.589+0200 77250fc006c0 -1 mds.0.189541 unhandled write error 
(2) No such file or directory, force readonly...

After googling for a while, I did not find a hint to understand more precisely 
the root cause. Any help would we greatly appreciated, or even a link to post 
this request elsewhere if this is not the place to.

Please find below additional details if needed. Thanks a lot !



# ceph osd dump
pool 5 'cephfs_metadata' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash 
rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change 292 flags 
hashpspool stripe_width 0 pg_autoscale_bias 4 pg_num_min 16 recovery_priority 5 
application cephfs read_balance_score 4.51

# ceph osd lspools
1 .mgr
4 cephfs_data
5 cephfs_metadata
18 ec-pool-001-data
19 ec-pool-001-metadata

# ceph df
hdd    633 TiB  633 TiB  61 GiB    61 GiB          0
TOTAL  633 TiB  633 TiB  61 GiB    61 GiB          0

--- POOLS ---
.mgr                   1    1  119 MiB       31  357 MiB      0    200 TiB
cephfs_data            4   32   71 KiB    8.38k  240 KiB      0    200 TiB
cephfs_metadata        5   32  329 MiB    6.56k  987 MiB      0    200 TiB
ec-pool-001-data      18   32   42 GiB   15.99k   56 GiB      0    451 TiB
ec-pool-001-metadata  19   32      0 B        0      0 B      0    200 TiB

# ceph status
      id:     f16f53e1-7028-440f-bf48-f99912619c33
      health: HEALTH_WARN
              1 MDSs are read only

      mon: 4 daemons, quorum 
PVE-CZ235007SG,PVE-CZ2341016V,PVE-CZ235007SH,PVE-CZ2341016T (age 35h)
      mgr: PVE-CZ235007SG(active, since 2d), standbys: PVE-CZ235007SH, 
PVE-CZ2341016T, PVE-CZ2341016V
      mds: 1/1 daemons up, 3 standby
      osd: 48 osds: 48 up (since 2d), 48 in (since 3d)

      volumes: 1/1 healthy
      pools:   5 pools, 129 pgs
      objects: 30.97k objects, 42 GiB
      usage:   61 GiB used, 633 TiB / 633 TiB avail
      pgs:     129 active+clean
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