Once recovery is underway way simply restarting the RGWs should be enough to 
reset them and get your object store back up.  

Bloomberg doesn’t use cephfs so hopefully David’s suggestions work or if anyone 
else in the community can chip in for that part. 

Sent from Bloomberg Professional for iPhone

----- Original Message -----
From: David C. <david.cas...@aevoo.fr>
To: nguyenvand...@baoviet.com.vn
CC: ceph-users@ceph.io
At: 02/24/24 16:55:28 UTC

if rebalancing tasks have been launched it's not a big deal, but I don't
think it's the priority.
The priority being to get the MDS back on its feet.
I haven't seen an answer to this question: can you stop/unmount cephfs
clients or not ?

There are other solutions but as you are not comfortable I am making the
simplest one on the ceph side but not the most comfortable on the business

There is no one (in Vietnam?) who could help you more seriously (and in a
lasting way) ?

Le sam. 24 févr. 2024 à 15:55, <nguyenvand...@baoviet.com.vn> a écrit :

> Hi David,
> I ll follow your suggestion. Do you have Telegram ? If yes, could you pls
> add my Telegram, +84989177619. Thank you so much
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