
To return to my comparison with SANs, on a SAN you have spare disks to
repair a failed disk.

On Ceph, you therefore need at least one more host (k+m+1).

If we take into consideration the formalities/delivery times of a new
server, k+m+2 is not luxury (Depending on the growth of your volume).



*David CASIER*


Le mar. 5 déc. 2023 à 11:17, Patrick Begou <
patrick.be...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr> a écrit :

> Hi Robert,
> Le 05/12/2023 à 10:05, Robert Sander a écrit :
> > On 12/5/23 10:01, duluxoz wrote:
> >> Thanks David, I knew I had something wrong  :-)
> >>
> >> Just for my own edification: Why is k=2, m=1 not recommended for
> >> production? Considered to "fragile", or something else?
> >
> > It is the same as a replicated pool with size=2. Only one host can go
> > down. After that you risk to lose data.
> >
> > Erasure coding is possible with a cluster size of 10 nodes or more.
> > With smaller clusters you have to go with replicated pools.
> >
> Could you explain why 10 nodes are required for EC ?
> On my side, I'm working on building my first (small) Ceph cluster using
> E.C. and I was thinking about 5 nodes and k=4 m=2. With a failure domain
> on host and several osd by nodes, in my mind this setup may run degraded
> with 3 nodes using 2 distincts osd by node and the ultimate possibility
> to loose an additional node without loosing data.  Of course with
> sufficient free storage available.
> Am I totally wrong in my first ceph approach ?
> Patrick
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