I have had defer_client_eviction_on_laggy_osds set to false for a while and I haven't had any further warnings so far (obviously), but also all the other problems with laggy clients bringing our MDS to a crawl over time seem to have gone. So at least on our cluster, the new configurable seems to do more harm than good. I can see why it's there, but the implementation appears to be rather buggy.

I also set mds_session_blocklist_on_timeout to false, because I had the impression that clients where being blocklisted too quickly.

On 21/09/2023 09:24, Janek Bevendorff wrote:


I took a snapshot of MDS.0's logs. We have five active MDS in total, each one reporting laggy OSDs/clients, but I cannot find anything related to that in the log snippet. Anyhow, I uploaded the log for your reference with ceph-post-file ID 79b5138b-61d7-4ba7-b0a9-c6f02f47b881.

This is what ceph status looks like after a couple of days. This is not normal:

55 client(s) laggy due to laggy OSDs
8 clients failing to respond to capability release
1 clients failing to advance oldest client/flush tid
5 MDSs report slow requests

(55 clients are actually "just" 11 unique client IDs, but each MDS makes their own report.)

osd mon_osd_laggy_halflife is not configured on our cluster, so it's the default of 3600.


On 20/09/2023 13:17, Dhairya Parmar wrote:
Hi Janek,

The PR venky mentioned makes use of OSD's laggy parameters (laggy_interval and laggy_probability) to find if any OSD is laggy or not. These laggy parameters can reset to 0 if the interval between the last modification done to OSDMap and the time stamp when OSD was marked down exceeds the grace interval threshold
which is the value we get by `mon_osd_laggy_halflife * 48` where
mon_osd_laggy_halflife is a configurable value which is by default 3600 so only if the interval I talked about exceeds 172800; the laggy parameters would reset to 0. I'd recommend taking a look at what your configured value is(using cmd:
ceph config get osd mon_osd_laggy_halflife).

There is also a "hack" to reset the parameters manually(*Not recommended, just
for info*): set mon_osd_laggy_weight to 1 using `ceph config set osd
mon_osd_laggy_weight 1` and reboot the OSD(s) which is/are being said laggy and
you will see the lagginess go away.

*Dhairya Parmar*

Associate Software Engineer, CephFS

Red Hat Inc. <https://www.redhat.com/>



On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 3:25 PM Venky Shankar <vshan...@redhat.com> wrote:

    Hey Janek,

    I took a closer look at various places where the MDS would consider a
    client as laggy and it seems like a wide variety of reasons are taken
    into consideration and not all of them might be a reason to defer
    eviction, so the warning is a bit misleading. I'll post a PR for
    this. In
    the meantime, could you share the debug logs stated in my
    previous email?

    On Wed, Sep 20, 2023 at 3:07 PM Venky Shankar
    <vshan...@redhat.com> wrote:

    > Hi Janek,
    > On Tue, Sep 19, 2023 at 4:44 PM Janek Bevendorff <
    > janek.bevendo...@uni-weimar.de> wrote:
    >> Hi Venky,
    >> As I said: There are no laggy OSDs. The maximum ping I have
    for any OSD
    >> in ceph osd perf is around 60ms (just a handful, probably
    aging disks). The
    >> vast majority of OSDs have ping times of less than 1ms. Same
    for the host
    >> machines, yet I'm still seeing this message. It seems that the
    >> hosts are usually the same, but I have absolutely no clue why.
    > It's possible that you are running into a bug which does not
    clear the
    > laggy clients list which the MDS sends to monitors via beacons.
    Could you
    > help us out with debug mds logs (by setting debug_mds=20) for
    the active
    > mds for around 15-20 seconds and share the logs please? Also
    reset the log
    > level once done since it can hurt performance.
    > # ceph config set mds.<> debug_mds 20
    > and reset via
    > # ceph config rm mds.<> debug_mds
    >> Janek
    >> On 19/09/2023 12:36, Venky Shankar wrote:
    >> Hi Janek,
    >> On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 9:52 PM Janek Bevendorff <
    >> janek.bevendo...@uni-weimar.de> wrote:
    >>> Thanks! However, I still don't really understand why I am
    seeing this.
    >> This is due to a changes that was merged recently in pacific
    >> https://github.com/ceph/ceph/pull/52270
    >> The MDS would not evict laggy clients if the OSDs report as
    laggy. Laggy
    >> OSDs can cause cephfs clients to not flush dirty data (during
    cap revokes
    >> by the MDS) and thereby showing up as laggy and getting
    evicted by the MDS.
    >> This behaviour was changed and therefore you get warnings that
    some client
    >> are laggy but they are not evicted since the OSDs are laggy.
    >>> The first time I had this, one of the clients was a remote
    user dialling
    >>> in via VPN, which could indeed be laggy. But I am also seeing
    it from
    >>> neighbouring hosts that are on the same physical network with
    reliable ping
    >>> times way below 1ms. How is that considered laggy?
    >>  Are some of your OSDs reporting laggy? This can be check via
    `perf dump`
    >> > ceph tell mds.<> perf dump
    >> (search for op_laggy/osd_laggy)
    >>> On 18/09/2023 18:07, Laura Flores wrote:
    >>> Hi Janek,
    >>> There was some documentation added about it here:
    >>> https://docs.ceph.com/en/pacific/cephfs/health-messages/
    >>> There is a description of what it means, and it's tied to an mds
    >>> configurable.
    >>> On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 10:51 AM Janek Bevendorff <
    >>> janek.bevendo...@uni-weimar.de> wrote:
    >>>> Hey all,
    >>>> Since the upgrade to Ceph 16.2.14, I keep seeing the
    following warning:
    >>>> 10 client(s) laggy due to laggy OSDs
    >>>> ceph health detail shows it as:
    >>>> [WRN] MDS_CLIENTS_LAGGY: 10 client(s) laggy due to laggy OSDs
    >>>>      mds.***(mds.3): Client *** is laggy; not evicted
    because some
    >>>> OSD(s) is/are laggy
    >>>>      more of this...
    >>>> When I restart the client(s) or the affected MDS daemons,
    the message
    >>>> goes away and then comes back after a while. ceph osd perf
    does not
    >>>> list
    >>>> any laggy OSDs (a few with 10-60ms ping, but overwhelmingly
    < 1ms), so
    >>>> I'm on a total loss what this even means.
    >>>> I have never seen this message before nor was I able to find
    >>>> about it. Do you have any idea what this message actually
    means and how
    >>>> I can get rid of it?
    >>>> Thanks
    >>>> Janek
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    >>> --
    >>> Laura Flores
    >>> She/Her/Hers
    >>> Software Engineer, Ceph Storage <https://ceph.io>
    >>> Chicago, IL
    >>> lflo...@ibm.com | lflo...@redhat.com <lflo...@redhat.com>
    >>> M: +17087388804
    >>> --
    >>> Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
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    >>> Phone: +49 3643 58 3577www.webis.de <http://3577www.webis.de>
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    >> --
    >> Cheers,
    >> Venky
    >> --
    >> Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
    >> Bauhausstr. 9a, R308
    >> 99423 Weimar, Germany
    >> Phone: +49 3643 58 3577www.webis.de <http://3577www.webis.de>
    > --
    > Cheers,
    > Venky

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