Fellow cephalopods,

I'm trying to get quick, seamless NFS failover happening on my four-node Ceph cluster.

I followed the instructions here:

but testing shows that failover doesn't happen. When I placed node 2 ("san2") in maintenance mode, the NFS service shut down:

Aug 24 14:19:03 san2 
24/08/2023 04:19:03 : epoch 64b8af5a : san2 : ganesha.nfsd-8[Admin] do_shutdown 
:MAIN :EVENT :Removing all exports.
Aug 24 14:19:13 san2 bash[3235994]: time="2023-08-24T14:19:13+10:00" level=warning 
msg="StopSignal SIGTERM failed to stop container 
ceph-e2f1b934-ed43-11ec-80fa-04421a1a1d66-nfs-xcpnfs-1-0-san2-datsvq in 10 seconds, resorting to 
Aug 24 14:19:13 san2 bash[3235994]: 
Aug 24 14:19:13 san2 
 Main process exited, code=exited, status=137/n/a
Aug 24 14:19:14 san2 
 Failed with result 'exit-code'.
Aug 24 14:19:14 san2 systemd[1]: Stopped Ceph nfs.xcpnfs.1.0.san2.datsvq for 

And that's it. The ingress IP didn't move.

More odd, the cluster seems to have placed the ingress IP on node 1 (san1) but seems to be using the NFS service on node 2.

Do I need to more tightly connect the NFS service to the keepalive and haproxy services, or do I need to expand the ingress services to refer to multiple NFS services?

Thank you.



Thorne Lawler - Senior System Administrator
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