Hi Mathias,

Provided that both subdirs are within the same snap context (subdirs below
where the .snap is created), I would assume that in the mv case, the space
usage is not doubled: the snapshots point at the same inode and it is just
linked at different places in the filesystem.

However, if your cluster and livelihood depends on this being true, I
suggest making a small test in a tiny empty cephfs, listing the rados pools
before and after mv and snapshot operations to find out exactly which data
objects are created.

Cheers, Dan

Clyso GmbH | Ceph Support and Consulting | https://www.clyso.com

On Thu, Jun 22, 2023 at 8:54 AM Kuhring, Mathias <
mathias.kuhr...@bih-charite.de> wrote:

> Dear Ceph community,
> We want to restructure (i.e. move around) a lot of data (hundreds of
> terabyte) in our CephFS.
> And now I was wondering what happens within snapshots when I move data
> around within a snapshotted folder.
> I.e. do I need to account for a lot increased storage usage due to older
> snapshots differing from the new restructured state?
> In the end it is just metadata changes. Are the snapshots aware of this?
> Consider the following examples.
> Copying data:
> Let's say I have a folder /test, with a file XYZ in sub-folder
> /test/sub1 and an empty sub-folder /test/sub2.
> I create snapshot snapA in /test/.snap, copy XYZ to sub-folder
> /test/sub2, delete it from /test/sub1 and create another snapshot snapB.
> I would have two snapshots each with distinct copies of XYZ, hence using
> double the space in the FS:
> /test/.snap/snapA/sub1/XYZ <-- copy 1
> /test/.snap/snapA/sub2/
> /test/.snap/snapB/sub1/
> /test/.snap/snapB/sub2/XYZ <-- copy 2
> Moving data:
> Let's assume the same structure.
> But now after creating snapshot snapA, I move XYZ to sub-folder
> /test/sub2 and then create the other snapshot snapB.
> The directory tree will look the same. But how is this treated internally?
> Once I move the data, will there be an actually copy created in snapA to
> represent the old state?
> Or will this remain the same data (like a link to the inode or so)?
> And hence not double the storage used for that file.
> I couldn't find (or understand) anything related to this in the docs.
> The closest seems to be the hard-link section here:
> https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/dev/cephfs-snapshots/#hard-links
> Which unfortunately goes a bit over my head.
> So I'm not sure if this answers my question.
> Thank you all for your help. Appreciate it.
> Best Wishes,
> Mathias Kuhring
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