Hi Patrick,

It is weird, we have a couple of clusters with cephadm and running pacify or quincy and ceph orch device works well. Have you looked at the cephadm logs (ceph log last cephadm)?

Except if you are using a very specific hardware, I suspect Ceph is suffering of a problem outside it...


Sent from my mobile
Le 26 mai 2023 17:02:50 Patrick Begou <patrick.be...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr> a écrit :


I'm back working on this problem.

First of all, I saw that I had a hardware memory error so I had to solve
this first. It's done.

I've tested some different Ceph deployments, each time starting with a
full OS re-install (it requires some time for each test).

Using Octopus, the devices are found:

   dnf -y install \
   monip=$(getent ahostsv4 mostha1 |head -n 1| awk '{ print $1 }'))
   cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip $monip --initial-dashboard-password xxxxx \

   [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# *ceph orch device ls*
   Hostname                      Path      Type  Serial Size   Health
   Ident  Fault  Available
   mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr  /dev/sda  hdd S2B5J90ZA02494    250G
   Unknown  N/A    N/A    Yes
   mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr  /dev/sdc  hdd WD-WMAYP0982329   500G
   Unknown  N/A    N/A    Yes

But with Pacific or Quincy the command returns nothing.

With Pacific:

   dnf -y install \
   monip=$(getent ahostsv4 mostha1 |head -n 1| awk '{ print $1 }')
   cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip $monip --initial-dashboard-password xxxxx \

"ceph orch device ls" doesn't return anything but "cephadm shell lsmcli
ldl"  list all the devices.

   [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# *ceph orch device ls --wide*
   [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# *lsblk*
   sda                    8:0    1 232.9G  0 disk
   |-sda1                 8:1    1   3.9G  0 part /rootfs/boot
   |-sda2                 8:2    1  78.1G  0 part
   | `-osvg-rootvol     253:0    0  48.8G  0 lvm  /rootfs
   |-sda3                 8:3    1   3.9G  0 part [SWAP]
   `-sda4                 8:4    1 146.9G  0 part
      |-secretvg-homevol 253:1    0   9.8G  0 lvm  /rootfs/home
      |-secretvg-tmpvol  253:2    0   9.8G  0 lvm  /rootfs/tmp
      `-secretvg-varvol  253:3    0   9.8G  0 lvm  /rootfs/var
   sdb                    8:16   1 232.9G  0 disk
   sdc                    8:32   1 465.8G  0 disk
   [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# exit
   [root@mostha1 ~]# *cephadm ceph-volume inventory*
   Inferring fsid 2e3e85a8-fbcf-11ed-84e5-00266cf8869c
   Using ceph image with id '0dc91bca92c2' and tag 'v17' created on
   2023-05-25 16:26:31 +0000 UTC

   Device Path               Size         Device nodes    rotates
   available Model name

   [root@mostha1 ~]# *cephadm shell lsmcli ldl*
   Inferring fsid 4d54823c-fb05-11ed-aecf-00266cf8869c
   Inferring config
   Using ceph image with id 'c9a1062f7289' and tag 'v17' created on
   2023-04-25 16:04:33 +0000 UTC
   Path     | SCSI VPD 0x83    | Link Type | Serial Number   | Health
   */dev/sda | 50024e92039e4f1c | PATA/SATA | S2B5J90ZA10142  | Good**
   **/dev/sdc | 50014ee0ad5953c9 | PATA/SATA | WD-WMAYP0982329 | Good**
   **/dev/sdb | 50024e920387fa2c | PATA/SATA | S2B5J90ZA02494  | Good**

Could it be a bug in ceph-volume ?
Adam suggest looking to the underlying commands (lsblk, blkid, udevadm,
lvs, or pvs) but I'm not very comfortable with blkid and udevadm. Is
there a "debug flag" to set ceph more verbose ?



Le 15/05/2023 à 21:20, Adam King a écrit :
As you've already seem to have figured out, "ceph orch device ls" is
populated with the results from "ceph-volume inventory". My best guess
to try and debug this would be to manually run "cephadm ceph-volume --
inventory" (the same as "cephadm ceph-volume inventory", I just like
to separate the ceph-volume command from cephadm itself with the " --
") and then check /var/log/ceph/<fsid>/ceph-volume.log from when you
ran the command onward to try and see why it isn't seeing your
devices. For example I can see a line  like

[2023-05-15 19:11:58,048][ceph_volume.main][INFO  ] Running command:
ceph-volume  inventory

in there. Then if I look onward from there I can see it ran things like

lsblk -P -o

as part of getting my device list. So if I was having issues I would
try running that directly and see what I got. Will note that
ceph-volume on certain more recent versions (not sure about octopus)
runs commands through nsenter, so you'd have to look past that part in
the log lines to the underlying command being used, typically
something with lsblk, blkid, udevadm, lvs, or pvs.

Also, if you want to see if it's an issue with a certain version of
ceph-volume, you can use different versions by passing the image flag
to cephadm. E.g.

cephadm --image quay.io/ceph/ceph:v17.2.6
<http://quay.io/ceph/ceph:v17.2.6> ceph-volume -- inventory

would use the 17.2.6 version of ceph-volume for the inventory. It
works by running ceph-volume through the container, so you don't have
to have to worry about installing different packages to try them and
it should pull the container image on its own if it isn't on the
machine already (but note that means the command will take longer as
it pulls the image the first time).

On Sat, May 13, 2023 at 4:34 AM Patrick Begou
<patrick.be...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr> wrote:

    Hi Joshua,

    I've tried these commands but it looks like CEPH is unable to see and
    configure these HDDs.
    [root@mostha1 ~]# cephadm ceph-volume inventory

        Inferring fsid 4b7a6504-f0be-11ed-be1a-00266cf8869c
        Using recent ceph image

        Device Path               Size         Device nodes rotates
        available Model name

    [root@mostha1 ~]# cephadm shell

    [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# ceph orch apply osd --all-available-devices

        Scheduled osd.all-available-devices update...

    [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# ceph orch device ls[ceph: root@mostha1 /]#
    ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/sdb

        --> Zapping: /dev/sdb
        --> --destroy was not specified, but zapping a whole device will
        remove the partition table
        Running command: /usr/bin/dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M
          stderr: 10+0 records in
        10+0 records out
        10485760 bytes (10 MB, 10 MiB) copied, 0.10039 s, 104 MB/s
        --> Zapping successful for: <Raw Device: /dev/sdb>

    I can check that /dev/sdb1 has been erased, so previous command is
    [ceph: root@mostha1 ceph]# lsblk
    sda                    8:0    1 232.9G  0 disk
    |-sda1                 8:1    1   3.9G  0 part /rootfs/boot
    |-sda2                 8:2    1  78.1G  0 part
    | `-osvg-rootvol     253:0    0  48.8G  0 lvm  /rootfs
    |-sda3                 8:3    1   3.9G  0 part [SWAP]
    `-sda4                 8:4    1 146.9G  0 part
       |-secretvg-homevol 253:1    0   9.8G  0 lvm  /rootfs/home
       |-secretvg-tmpvol  253:2    0   9.8G  0 lvm  /rootfs/tmp
       `-secretvg-varvol  253:3    0   9.8G  0 lvm  /rootfs/var
    sdb                    8:16   1 465.8G  0 disk
    sdc                    8:32   1 232.9G  0 disk

    But still no visible HDD:

    [ceph: root@mostha1 ceph]# ceph orch apply osd --all-available-devices

        Scheduled osd.all-available-devices update...

    [ceph: root@mostha1 ceph]# ceph orch device ls
    [ceph: root@mostha1 ceph]#

    May be I have done something bad at install time as in the container
    I've unintentionally run:

    dnf -y install

    (an awful copy/paste launching the command). Can this break The
    container ? I do not know what should be available as ceph
    packages in
    the container to remove properly this install (no dnf.log file in the


    Le 12/05/2023 à 21:38, Beaman, Joshua a écrit :
    > The most significant point I see there, is you have no OSD service
    > spec to tell orchestrator how to deploy OSDs.  The easiest fix for
    > that would be “cephorchapplyosd--all-available-devices”
    > This will create a simple spec that should work for a test
    > environment.  Most likely it will collocate the block, block.db,
    > WAL all on the same device.  Not ideal for prod environments,
    but fine
    > for practice and testing.
    > The other command I should have had you try is “cephadm ceph-volume
    > inventory”.  That should show you the devices available for OSD
    > deployment, and hopefully matches up to what your “lsblk”
    shows.  If
    > you need to zap HDDs and orchestrator is still not seeing them, you
    > can try “cephadm ceph-volume lvm zap /dev/sdb”
    > Thank you,
    > Josh Beaman
    > *From: *Patrick Begou <patrick.be...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>
    > *Date: *Friday, May 12, 2023 at 2:22 PM
    > *To: *Beaman, Joshua <joshua_bea...@comcast.com>, ceph-users
    > <ceph-users@ceph.io>
    > *Subject: *Re: [EXTERNAL] [ceph-users] [Pacific] ceph orch
    device ls
    > do not returns any HDD
    > Hi Joshua and thanks for this quick reply.
    > At this step I have only one node. I was checking what ceph was
    > returning with different commands on this host before adding new
    > hosts. Just to compare with my first Octopus install. As this
    > is for testing only, it remains easy for me to break everything and
    > reinstall again.
    > [root@mostha1 ~]# cephadm check-host
    >     podman (/usr/bin/podman) version 4.2.0 is present
    >     systemctl is present
    >     lvcreate is present
    >     Unit chronyd.service is enabled and running
    >     Host looks OK
    > [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# ceph -s
    >       cluster:
    >         id:     4b7a6504-f0be-11ed-be1a-00266cf8869c
    >         health: HEALTH_WARN
    >                 OSD count 0 < osd_pool_default_size 3
    >       services:
    >         mon: 1 daemons, quorum mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
    <http://mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr> (age 5h)
    >         mgr: mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
    <http://mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr>.hogwuz(active, since 5h)
    >         osd: 0 osds: 0 up, 0 in
    >       data:
    >         pools:   0 pools, 0 pgs
    >         objects: 0 objects, 0 B
    >         usage:   0 B used, 0 B / 0 B avail
    >         pgs:
    > [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# ceph orch ls
    >     alertmanager   ?:9093,9094      1/1  6m ago     6h count:1
    >     crash                           1/1  6m ago     6h *
    >     grafana        ?:3000           1/1  6m ago     6h count:1
    >     mgr                             1/2  6m ago     6h count:2
    >     mon                             1/5  6m ago     6h count:5
    >     node-exporter  ?:9100           1/1  6m ago     6h *
    >     prometheus     ?:9095           1/1  6m ago     6h count:1
    > [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# ceph orch ls osd -export
    >     No services reported
    > [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# ceph orch host ls
    >     HOST                          ADDR LABELS  STATUS
    > mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
    <http://mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr> _admin
    >     1 hosts in cluster
    > [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# ceph log last cephadm
    >     ...
    >     2023-05-12T15:19:58.754655+0000
    >     mgr.mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr.hogwuz (mgr.44098) 1876 :
    >     [INF] Zap device mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr:/dev/sdb
    >     2023-05-12T15:19:58.756639+0000
    >     mgr.mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr.hogwuz (mgr.44098) 1877 :
    >     [ERR] Device path '/dev/sdb' not found on host
    >     'mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
    >     Traceback (most recent call last):
    >       File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/orchestrator/_interface.py",
    line 125,
    >     in wrapper
    >         return OrchResult(f(*args, **kwargs))
    >       File "/usr/share/ceph/mgr/cephadm/module.py", line 2275, in
    >     zap_device
    >         f"Device path '{path}' not found on host '{host}'")
    >     orchestrator._interface.OrchestratorError: Device path
    >     not found on host 'mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
    >     ....
    > [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# ls -l /dev/sdb
    >     brw-rw---- 1 root disk 8, 16 May 12 15:16 /dev/sdb
    > [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# lsblk /dev/sdb
    >     sdb      8:16   1 465.8G  0 disk
    >     `-sdb1   8:17   1 465.8G  0 part
    > I have crated a full partition on /dev/sdb (for testing) and
    > has no partition table (removed).
    > But all seams fine with these commands.
    > Patrick
    > Le 12/05/2023 à 20:19, Beaman, Joshua a écrit :
    >     I don’t quite understand why that zap would not work.  But,
    >     where I’d start.
    >      1. cephadm check-host
    >          1. Run this on each of your hosts to make sure cephadm,
    >             podman and all other prerequisites are installed and
    >             recognized
    >      2. ceph orch ls
    >          1. This should show at least a mon, mgr, and osd spec
    >      3. ceph orch ls osd –export
    >          1. This will show the OSD placement service specifications
    >             that orchestrator uses to identify devices to deploy
    as OSDs
    >      4. ceph orch host ls
    >          1. This will list the hosts that have been added to
    >             orchestrator’s inventory, and what labels are applied
    >             which correlate to the service placement labels
    >      5. ceph log last cephadm
    >          1. This will show you what orchestrator has been trying to
    >             do, and how it may be failing
    >     Also, it’s never un-helpful to have a look at “ceph -s” and
    >     health detail”, particularly for any people trying to help you
    >     without access to your systems.
    >     Best of luck,
    >     Josh Beaman
    >     *From: *Patrick Begou <patrick.be...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>
    >     <mailto:patrick.be...@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr>
    >     *Date: *Friday, May 12, 2023 at 10:45 AM
    >     *To: *ceph-users <ceph-users@ceph.io>
    >     *Subject: *[EXTERNAL] [ceph-users] [Pacific] ceph orch device ls
    >     do not returns any HDD
    >     Hi everyone
    >     I'm new to CEPH, just a french 4 days training session with
    >     Octopus on
    >     VMs that convince me to build my first cluster.
    >     At this time I have 4 old identical nodes for testing with 3
    >     each,
    >     2 network interfaces and running Alma Linux8 (el8). I try to
    >     replay the
    >     training session but it fails, breaking the web interface
    because of
    >     some problems with podman 4.2 not compatible with Octopus.
    >     So I try to deploy Pacific with cephadm tool on my first node
    >     (mostha1)
    >     (to enable testing also an upgrade later).
    >         dnf -y install
    >         monip=$(getent ahostsv4 mostha1 |head -n 1| awk '{ print
    $1 }')
    >         cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip $monip
    >     xxxxx \
    >                            --initial-dashboard-user admceph \
    >                            --allow-fqdn-hostname --cluster-network
    > <>
    >     This was sucessfull.
    >     But running "*c**eph orch device ls*" do not show any HDD
    even if
    >     I have
    >     /dev/sda (used by the OS), /dev/sdb and /dev/sdc
    >     The web interface shows a row capacity which is an aggregate
    of the
    >     sizes of the 3 HDDs for the node.
    >     I've also tried to reset /dev/sdb but cephadm do not see it:
    >         [ceph: root@mostha1 /]# ceph orch device zap
    > mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
    <http://mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr> /dev/sdb --force
    >         Error EINVAL: Device path '/dev/sdb' not found on host
    >         'mostha1.legi.grenoble-inp.fr
    >     On my first attempt with octopus, I was able to list the
    >     HDD
    >     with this command line. Before moving to Pacific, the OS on
    this node
    >     has been reinstalled from scratch.
    >     Any advices for a CEPH beginner ?
    >     Thanks
    >     Patrick
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