
The latency of HDD is about 10ms+. and the IO stack in Ceph may spends ~3ms+,

so the test result is still in doubt. I guess the rbd test used the ram cache.

You can paste more fio outputs here.

On 2023/3/17 07:16, Murilo Morais wrote:
Good evening everyone!

Guys, what to expect latency for RBD images in a cluster with only HDD (36

Sometimes I see that the write latency is around 2-5 ms in some images even
with very low IOPS and bandwidth while the read latency is around 0.2-0.7
For a cluster with only HDD is this latency expected? Is there any
parameter I can study to improve? What do you recommend for tuning in the

The latency between machines is always around 0.1ms, all connected via
fiber optics.

Thanks in advance!
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