On 21.02.23 22:52, Richard Bade wrote:
A colleague and I ran into this a few weeks ago. The way we managed to
get access back to delete the bucket properly (using radosgw-admin
bucket rm) was to reshard the bucket.
This created a new bucket index and therefore it was then possible to delete it.
If you are looking to get access back to the objects, then as Eric
said there's no way to get those indexes back but the objects will
still be there in the pool.
Thanks for the answers so far.
The issue we faced was a corrupt bucket index object.
We thought about strategies to repair that but found none.
I tried different things on a test cluster in a test bucket, one of them
was "bi purge". And then I thought: Why is there such an operation when
there is no way to get the index back and a working bucket?
Resharding after a "bi prune" seems to work but as a result the bucket
is empty when listing via S3. A bucket remove is successful but leaves
all the RADOS objects in the index and data pools.
Why is there no operation to rebuild the index for a bucket based on the
existing RADOS objects in the data pool?
Robert Sander
Heinlein Consulting GmbH
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