On 04.02.23 20:54, Ramin Najjarbashi wrote:

ceph df | grep mypoo

--- POOLS ---


mypool       1.11G


  and from this, I got 8.8M objects :

for item in `radosgw-admin user list | jq -r ".[]" | head`; do
B_OBJ=$(radosgw-admin user stats --uid $item 2>/dev/null | jq -r '.stats |
select(.num_objects > 0) | .num_objects'); SUM=$((SUM + B_OBJ)); done

You have mixed RADOS objects and S3 objects.

These are two different layers. Only small (< 4MB) S3 objects are stored in a single RADOS object. Larger S3 objects are split into multiple 4MB sized RAOS objects by the rados-gateway.

This is why you see much more RADOS objects than S3 objects.

Robert Sander
Heinlein Support GmbH
Linux: Akademie - Support - Hosting

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