Hi Boris,

These waits seem to be all over the place.  Usually, in the main ceph.log
you see "implicated OSD" messages - I would try to find some commonality
with either a host, switch, or something like that.  Can be bad ports/NICs,
LACP problems, even bad cables sometimes.  I try to isolate an area that is
problematic.  Sometimes rebooting OSD hosts one at a time.  Rebooting
switches (if stacked/MLAG) one at a time.  Something has got to be there,
which makes the problem go away.
Alex Gorbachev

On Sun, Dec 4, 2022 at 6:08 AM Boris Behrens <b...@kervyn.de> wrote:

> Hi Alex,
> I am searching for a log line that points me in the right direction. From
> what I've seen, I could find a specific Host, OSD, PG that was leading to
> this problem.
> But maybe I am looking at the wrong logs.
> I have around 150k lines that look like this:
> ceph.log.timeframe:2022-12-02T18:19:59.877920+0100 osd.122 (osd.122) 5195
> : cluster [WRN] 14 slow requests (by type [ 'delayed' : 2 'waiting for sub
> ops' : 12 ] most affected pool [ 'rbd' : 14 ])
> ceph.log.timeframe:2022-12-02T18:19:59.905505+0100 osd.118 (osd.118) 21011
> : cluster [WRN] 256 slow requests (by type [ 'delayed' : 243 'waiting for
> sub ops' : 13 ] most affected pool [ 'rbd' : 256 ])
> ceph.log.timeframe:2022-12-02T18:19:59.928599+0100 osd.120 (osd.120) 19800
> : cluster [WRN] 71 slow requests (by type [ 'delayed' : 15 'waiting for sub
> ops' : 56 ] most affected pool [ 'rbd' : 71 ])
> ceph.log.timeframe:2022-12-02T18:19:59.968535+0100 osd.54 (osd.54) 6960 :
> cluster [WRN] 38 slow requests (by type [ 'delayed' : 21 'waiting for sub
> ops' : 17 ] most affected pool [ 'rbd' : 38 ])
> ceph.log.timeframe:2022-12-02T18:19:59.973174+0100 osd.97 (osd.97) 16792 :
> cluster [WRN] 19 slow requests (by type [ 'delayed' : 11 'waiting for sub
> ops' : 8 ] most affected pool [ 'rbd' : 19 ])
> ceph.log.timeframe:2022-12-02T18:19:59.978565+0100 osd.42 (osd.42) 5724 :
> cluster [WRN] 12 slow requests (by type [ 'delayed' : 5 'waiting for sub
> ops' : 7 ] most affected pool [ 'rbd' : 12 ])
> ceph.log.timeframe:2022-12-02T18:19:59.980684+0100 osd.98 (osd.98) 18471 :
> cluster [WRN] 35 slow requests (by type [ 'delayed' : 3 'waiting for sub
> ops' : 32 ] most affected pool [ 'rbd' : 35 ])
> ceph.log.timeframe:2022-12-02T18:19:59.992514+0100 osd.77 (osd.77) 11319 :
> cluster [WRN] 256 slow requests (by type [ 'delayed' : 232 'waiting for sub
> ops' : 24 ] most affected pool [ 'rbd' : 256 ])
> and around 50k that look like this:
> ceph-osd.99.log.timeframe:2022-12-02T18:19:59.605+0100 7ff8f96ba700 -1
> osd.99 945870 get_health_metrics reporting 9 slow ops, oldest is
> osd_op(client.171194478.0:4862294 8.cf5
> 8:af34e5b1:::rbd_header.47d6a06b8b4567:head [watch ping cookie
> 18446462598732840961 gen 26] snapc 0=[] ondisk+write+known_if_redirected
> e945870)
> ceph-osd.92.log.timeframe:2022-12-02T18:14:57.415+0100 7f9e8e4fd700 -1
> osd.92 945870 get_health_metrics reporting 6 slow ops, oldest is
> osd_op(client.177840485.0:141305 8.159f
> 8:f9adda1f:::rbd_data.82f60d356b4e4a.000000000000a1c2:head [write
> 1900544~147456 in=147456b] snapc 0=[] ondisk+write+known_if_redirected
> e945868)
> Cheers
>  Boris
> Am So., 4. Dez. 2022 um 03:15 Uhr schrieb Alex Gorbachev <
> a...@iss-integration.com>:
>> Boris, I have seen one problematic OSD cause this issue on all OSD with
>> which its PGs peered.  The solution was to take out the slow OSD,
>> immediately all slow ops stopped.  I found it by observing common OSDs in
>> reported slow ops.  Not saying this is your issue, but it may be a
>> possibility.  Good luck!
>> --
>> Alex Gorbachev
>> https://alextelescope.blogspot.com
> --
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