I have upgraded the majority of the nodes in a cluster that I manage
from CentOS 8.6 to AlmaLinux 9.

We have done the upgrade by emptying one node at a time and then
reinstalling and bringing it back into the cluster.

With AlmaLinux 9 I install the default "Server without GUI" packages
and run with default SE Linux and firewall settings with good results.

Before starting the upgrade we first upgraded to Ceph 17.2.3.

On a new empty node I first add cephadm and then run "cephadm add-repo
--release quincy", then install "ceph-common", "cephadm" and the
dependencies with dnf.

I have been doing the upgrade very slowly on purpose over several
weeks and it has not been an issue for the users, the upgrade is not
finished yet, 3 storage nodes are still in progress and my rados
gateways will be last.


On Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 4:02 PM Prof. Dr. Christian Dietrich
<dietr...@internet-sicherheit.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> we're running a ceph cluster with v15.2.17 and cephadm on various CentOS
> hosts. Since CentOS 8.x is EOL, we'd like to upgrade/migrate/reinstall
> the OS, possibly migrating to Rocky or CentOS stream:
> host | CentOS   | Podman
> -----|----------|-------
> osd* | 7.9.2009 | 1.6.4   x5
> osd* | 8.4.2105 | 3.0.1   x2
> mon0 | 8.4.2105 | 3.2.3
> mon1 | 8.4.2105 | 3.0.1
> mon2 | 8.4.2105 | 3.0.1
> mds* | 7.9.2009 | 1.6.4   x2
> We have a few specific questions:
> 1) Does anyone have experience using Rocky Linux 8 or 9 or CentOS stream
> with ceph? Rocky is not mentioned specifically in the cephadm docs [2].
> 2) Is the Podman compatibility list [1] still up to date? CentOS Stream
> 8 as of 2022-10-19 appears to have Podman version 4.x, IIRC. 4.x does
> not appear in the compatibility table. Anyone using Podman 4.x
> successfully (with which ceph version)?
> Thanks in advance,
> Chris
> [1]:
> https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/cephadm/compatibility/#compatibility-with-podman-versions
> [2]:
> https://docs.ceph.com/en/quincy/cephadm/install/#cephadm-install-distros
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