If I use set_choose_tries 100 and choose_total_tries 250 I get a lot of bad mappings with crushtool;

# crushtool -i better-totaltries--crush.map --test --show-bad-mappings --rule 1 --num-rep 8 --min-x 1 --max-x 1000000 --show-choose-tries
bad mapping rule 1 x 319 num_rep 8 result [43,40,58,69,2147483647,21,11,31]
bad mapping rule 1 x 542 num_rep 8 result [50,75,53,55,66,43,61,2147483647]
. . .
bad mapping rule 1 x 999757 num_rep 8 result [10,50,71,54,11,2147483647,79,43] bad mapping rule 1 x 999905 num_rep 8 result [76,52,7,34,64,2147483647,53,11]
 0:         0
 1:   7997193
 2:     11416
 3:     27544
. . .
99:       212
100:      4084
101:         0
102:         0
. . .
248:         0
249:         0

Should I really keep set_choose_tries 100?
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