Think I resolved this by following steps here:

Specifically passing in multisite zonegroup/zone config as a JSON with the 
relative set commands.

I didn't manage to "forget the period" -- but fixing the config seemed to do 
the job.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Hussein-Kershaw (HE/HIM) <> 
Sent: Friday, September 16, 2022 5:37 PM
To: Ceph Users <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [ceph-users] Multisite Config / Period Revert


I have a multisite system that is running Nautilus.

I've made a mess of my zonegroup config and as such can't commit the period.

The period shows up as staging:

$ radosgw-admin period list
    "periods": [

How can I revert my changes and forget about the staging period?

I've tried the below (both with and without the :staging on the end).
radosgw-admin period delete --period "936d9b01-3246-4953-9ef1-864a61553f33"

Any advice? Apologies if I'm missing the obvious.


Alex Kershaw
Software Engineer
Office: 01316 500883<>

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