
I seem to be facing a problem on my 16.2.9 ceph cluster.  After a staggered 
reboot of my 3 infra nodes all of ceph orch commands are hanging much like in 
this previous reported issue [1]

I have paused orch and rebuilt a manager by hand as outlined here [2], and the 
issue continues to persist.   I am unable to scale up or down of services, 
restart daemons, etc.

ceph orch ls –verbose
[{'flags': 8,
  'help': 'List services known to orchestrator',
  'module': 'mgr',
  'perm': 'r',
  'sig': [argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephPrefix'>, req=True, name=prefix, 
n=1, numseen=0, prefix=orch),
          argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephPrefix'>, req=True, name=prefix, 
n=1, numseen=0, prefix=ls),
          argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephString'>, req=False, 
name=service_type, n=1, numseen=0),
          argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephString'>, req=False, 
name=service_name, n=1, numseen=0),
          argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephBool'>, req=False, name=export, 
n=1, numseen=0),
          argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephChoices'>, req=False, name=format, 
n=1, numseen=0, strings=plain|json|json-pretty|yaml|xml-pretty|xml),
          argdesc(<class 'ceph_argparse.CephBool'>, req=False, name=refresh, 
n=1, numseen=0)]}]
Submitting command:  {'prefix': 'orch ls', 'target': ('mon-mgr', '')}
submit {"prefix": "orch ls", "target": ["mon-mgr", ""]} to mon-mgr


Debug output on the manager:

debug 2022-07-22T23:27:12.509+0000 7fc180230700  0 log_channel(audit) log [DBG] 
: from='client.1084220 -' entity='client.admin' cmd=[{"prefix": "orch ls", 
"target": ["mon-mgr", ""]}]: dispatch

I have collected a startup of the manager and uploaded it for review [3]

Many Thanks,



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