
Looking to take our Octopus Ceph up to Pacific in the coming days.

All the machines (physical - osd,mon,admin,meta) are running Debian 'buster' and the setup was done originally with cephdeploy (~2016).

Previously I've been able to upgrade the core OS, keeping the ceph packages at the same back-ported version and then when that's complete for all the machines I've then upgraded Ceph itself.

Checking around today on download.ceph.com I cannot see any 15.2.16 packages available for Debian 'bullseye' which suggests that the upgrade path would look more like changing Debian to 'bullseye' AND Ceph to 16.2.7 in one upgrade/dist-upgrade. With something like 400+ VMs running live on this storage that sounds a little hairy to me.

Is it safe to use the Proxmox sources at

deb http://download.proxmox.com/debian/ceph-octopus bullseye test

and install bullseye packages with 15.2.16-pve1 over the current buster 15.2.16-1~bpo10+1 ones?

Secondarily, would anyone make a strong case for taking this opportunity to move to cephadm management? Is there a simple path to do that from a cluster started on Hammer? Aside from probably adding one or two OSDs every 2/3 years this cluster is fairly static so I'm not sure it's really worth it.

Thanks in advance.

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