Dear Cephers, 
We are planning the upgrade of out Ceph cluster, version Mimic 13.2.10. (3Mons, 
3MGRs, 181OSD, 2MSDs, 2 RGW) 
Cluster is healthy and all the pools are running size 3 min_size 2. 
This is an old cluster implementation that has been upgraded from firefly 
(There are still a clouple OSDs under filestore about 8 small OSD). 
Then I have a couple of questions: 
- Can we update directly from mimic to Octopus or should bw step by step ? 

- Can we maintain the filestore OSDs or is better to delete migrate this OSDs? 

- MIgration order is MONs/MGRs, OSDs, MDS, RGW? 

- Can be the OSDs up during the migration? Should be all of them restarted at 
the same time? 

Regards, I 
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