Instead of complaining, take some time to learn more about container would help.
From: Marc <>
Sent: November 18, 2021 10:50 AM
To: Pickett, Neale T; Hans van den Bogert;
Subject: [ceph-users] Re: [EXTERNAL] Re: Why you might want packages not 
containers for Ceph deployments

> We also use containers for ceph and love it. If for some reason we
> couldn't run ceph this way any longer, we would probably migrate
> everything to a different solution. We are absolutely committed to
> containerization.

I wonder if you are really using containers. Are you not just using ceph-adm? 
If you would be using containers you would have selected your OC already, and 
would be pissed about how the current containers are being developed and have 
to use a 2nd system.

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